I came upon Square One TV when I was already out of college, and had a degree in video production. Mathnet was just the kind of show I would have loved to have worked on, with its great production values, great writing, and a fabulously talented cast who could deliver the lines deadpan.
I still remember two episodes in particular. In one, George was planning a vacation in Michigan on an island named Nomanissan, yes, that's Nomanissan Island (say it out loud if you need to). The other episode introduced me to the Fibonacci Sequence (begin with 1, then add it to the previous number (0), then continue to add the last 2 numbers together to get the next): 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... It's amazing how many times that has come up in the last 30 years, and I only understood it because I watched Mathnet.
SUCH a good program! If they offered the whole series for download, I would buy it.