A thief steals a stash of black diamonds and this accidentally involves his family in an international terrorist plot since the diamonds are not just your typical diamonds. He joins forces with a mysterious guy who is dressed in all black and can kick serious ass with his martial arts skills to set things right. And, of course, kill the bad guys.
The plot is pretty silly, but the action is decent so if you just want to see a cheesy action movie, this is a pretty good choice. However, the film tries hard to have a dramatic and thriller edge that is just laughable. It tries to go push itself into a larger scope by the end. That is where you'll either tell yourself that you enjoyed the movie, or whether the whole thing just crashed and burned for you. However there is a good array of stunts and Jet Li shows off what he does best (again). However, at the same time the some of the action scenes seem to beg you into thinking that they are good with their fast paced editing and slow mo that doesn't really manage to cover up much of their mediocrity.
Basically it is just a direct-to-video action movie, but with star power. It was that, and only that, which provided it with its theater run. --- 5/10
Rated R for violence and profanity