First, to address some of the repeated complaints in other reviews - this show is based on a radio show set in Norway that also featured Nicola Walker and the breaking of the fourth wall that has upset so many is an attempt to preserve the conversational atmosphere of the podcast. For what it's worth, Scotland does indeed have a marine investigation unit tasked with investigating homicides on or in bodies of water, so no, that's not ludicrous at all, it is literally a thing.
Annika is a light, character driven show in which each episode has a different murder for the team to solve. I really enjoy Annika's reflections on literature and her dry humor as she discusses what is happening with the audience, and Walker does an astonishingly good job with the delivery as always. She's great but this may be some of her best work, as she really gets to have fun with the character. Her interactions with McGann are particularly strong as he makes an awesome straight man for her awkward character. We pretty much focus on her life and her daughter, so some of the supporting cast doesn't necessarily get the screen time they deserve.