Although they really did get a lot of icons on this show it was so poorly executed. The "hosts" are mostly washed up comedians if they even are and some fat guy who rode the coat tails of all the rock stars he either interviewed or met through other friends like a groupie who will go their whole life that they were #9993434 who was with Gene Simmons. The hosts are fat obnoxious poser, boring stern one who looks like he would even make talking about roller coasters boring and Mr. I try too hard.
Well! We start off by asking rockstars such as Tony Iommi for the billionth time about his fingers, if they had Ozzy Osbourne on they would ask about the bat or doves, perhaps Metallica about Cliff Burton or AC/DC about Bon Scott. You get the idea. The stuff they are asking is stuff you can either go on the worlds most reliable website wikipedia and find out yourself or better yet see other interviews. No one ever asked them any questions hardcore fans would want to know. It's stuff for like casual listeners of whatever band. Then they do "stump the fat guy" I seriously forget his name. Where you get really bad gifts that make the Canadian television series Uh-oh look bad and then at the end they SOMETIMES in the 10 or 15 episodes I've seen they do ask the bands some new questions but for the most part they just rush over that last bit.
At least someone had a brain and cancelled this trash you get more mental stimulation watching Jerry Springer or Maury.