I'm only giving this a 6 because I found the story interesting. Of course, it left me with a few questions, such as why Paris Hilton could be robbed seven times and never do anything about her security.
The Bling Ring is the true story of California teenagers who robbed celebrity homes and wound up stealing about $3 million in merchandise. Hilton took a lot of hits, but other victims were Orlando Bloom, Lindsay Lohan, and Rachel Bilson. The group would find out that a celebrity was away on location, attending a premiere that evening, etc., and then rob their house. And it must have been as ridiculously easy as it looked on film because they stole so much.
These kids for the most part come from decent backgrounds, but they are obsessed with celebrity, expensive clothes, jewels, and accessories. One of them cherishes Lindsay Lohan as her idol. That should tell you something.
Rather than go through the dynamics of each character, I'll just say that though one of the producers was Francis Ford Coppola, and it was written and directed by Sofia Coppola, it looks and sounds as if it was made for about $5. Bad sound, nothing locations, and acting strictly from hunger. People have singled out Emma Watson, but frankly, all the acting to me seemed amateur.
These vapid, empty kids, needless to say, became celebrities with fan pages on Facebook and an article in Vanity Fair (on which this film is based). Though these brats ultimately got their comeuppance, it seems obvious any misery they felt was only because they got caught.
The moral of the story is, robbing the right homes is a fast way to get expensive things, your name in the paper, news attention, and a story in Vanity Fair. And after all, isn't that what everybody wants?