Tiny role for Leigh...first film.'
"Things Are Looking Up" is a comedy where you really have to suspend disbelief. In other words, don't think too much about the improbable plot...just enjoy.
Bertha an Cicely are sisters who look almost exactly the same (though the film says they are NOT twins). Bertha is a humorless school teacher and Cicely is the opposite...a circus owner who knows how to enjoy life.
Quite uncharacteristically, Bertha drops everything to run off with a man. Her friends think it's just a passing fancy, so they ask Cicely to fill in and pretend she is Bertha. Amazingly enough, no one notices the ruse...even though their personalities are so different. What is next? What sorts of problems does Cecily deal with apart from not letting folks know who she really is.
Again, this is essentially a turn off your brain and enjoy sort of picture...fun and also quite silly. But I do recommend you see it and if you do, keep your eyes open for a young Vivien Leigh as one of the students...and she delivers just one line in this, her debut film.