Gretchen Palmer does not deserve this - although some may feel different seeing her try to act in this. I do believe I have seen her being way better than here - no pun intended. Must be a combination of script and set conditions I imagine.
Sometimes you also have to take on roles, you do not really believe in - just to pay the rent. Might have been one of those situations. Interestingly enough, this seems to have been succesful enough to spur 2 sequels. Both showing way more skin than this does. Which I didn't mind by the way - it is the acting and the dialog that is so cringeworthy, that it almost hurts physically.
So never mind the erotic scenes where all the "best" parts are covered. "Clothed" scenes can be quite erotic too - and I would argue the main love scene is just that. The scene that seemingly gets the whole thing going on. The whole thing that could have been avoided, if ... but the last twist almost kind of saves the whole movie. Still even that never really reaches any height it imagines it does.