Poor casting, intermittent periods where the film treads water with overlong pictures of the scenery, and a lack of anyone in the cast to empathise with, render this a dreary experience. Edited with no sense of timing and with unmemorable music laid on with a trowel, the performances are unable to engage or sustain one's attention. The biggest drawback is that there is nobody one likes - the hero is the American equivalent of a shop dummy in a Cecil Gee window, the son is blank faced except when he is petulant. Custer is inscrutable and a boring character. The villains are cardboard cutouts, and the mad woman of the hills is alarming and repellent.
Custer's daughter is the only bright spark in the film, and acts everyone else off the screen, not that that was hard to do.
The Henson Creature Shop shut up shop in London shortly after this film was made; maybe they had lost heart when they saw it.
One to miss.