Believe it or not, I consider my age as "too old to watch cartoons", but because of Ultimate Spiderman, yep, I'm still watching cartoons. I was introduced to this show when I'm changing channels to look for some good show to watch and then Disney XD appeared on the screen. I watch it for a while because I saw that the next show is Ultimate Spiderman. Well, I'm a marvelite, everything about marvel gets my attention. So after watching it I was kinda intrigued about this series because it's good and it's full of humor. It's spiderman! What to expect.
I download all episodes from season 1-3 and all I can say is it's so good! I mean yes some episodes are kind of boring and same villains as always, but hey it's fun. I may not be a kid but this show is fantastic. It keeps me awake until 5 am just to finish every season! It keeps me laughing, every damn time. Peter's personality is lovely. I love his attitude even at his worst situation. His attitude in facing his problems could help every kid and even inspire them. Special mention to his SHIELD teammates: Nova, White Tiger, Powerman, and Ironfist. I love the voice casting, the character development, the characters, the plots, the lines of every character, and everything about it. I also like how Flash Thompson developed his personality. From bully to a hero. Thanks to spiderman who helped him! Kids will be inspired to be a good person like peter.
I don't know why some of you doesn't like it, some even made a petition to cancel the show. Like wtf? If you don't like it then don't watch it. If you don't appreciate the show then look for the show that you might like. There's no need to hate. It was not made for you.The producers not asking you or forcing you to watch it and even like it. The show was created for those spiderman/marvel fans who knows how to appreaciate. ;) and I'm one of those. I appreciate this show so much. It may sounds weird but sometimes I'm loving this show more than Agents of Shield. It's my opinion so yes. Well hopefully there's more season to come! I don't know what to do if this show was cancelled. This one change my perspective about cartoons so I owe this show a big one. Ultimate Spiderman is included on my top 10 fav shows.