One minute you're in your home, the next minute it's demolished by The Israeli Army, and further, you're not allowed to drive, and told it's illegal to be on the land, that reality is captured on film.
Where to begin, first off, it fully deserves the many accolades, it's not just a fascinating storyline and a daring piece of journalism, but it's actually a terrifically well made documentary, it's impressive.
There are no grey areas or 'misreading' of events here, it doesn't really matter which side of the fence you sit on, and whether you lean one way or the other, it will hammer home just how appallingly The Israeli Army behaved, against people who literally had nothing, and could offer zero credible resistance. You see what it is to live under occupation.
Several times it had me in tears, if you're not moved by it, I'd suggest there's something seriously wrong.
There are some astonishing moments, the scenes between Basel and Yuval are fascinating, two incredibly brave men.
Revealing, powerful and sobering, don't go in expecting any happy resolutions, as we all know this painful, excruciating war marches on.
This will make every liquid in your body boil with anger and rage, it's obscene. Please someone find a way to end this.