- Despises the idea of sidekicks, which is why virtually none of the Marvel characters had them.
- He is often asked where he got the idea for his famous quote, "With great power comes great responsibility." He says, "It just came to me.".
- Judy Garland's daughter, Lorna Luft, lived with Lee and his family for a period of time while her mother was in rehab in the 1960s. Stan's daughter, J.C. Lee, and Luft were friends and Lorna stayed with the family for about a month until she went to California to live with her father.
- Due to his advancing age, he shot several cameos ahead of upcoming movies - just in case. The first of such posthumous cameos appeared in Captain Marvel (2019), which also a special Marvel opening credit as a tribute.
- He first began to work on comics in 1941 on the third issue of Captain America.
- Admitted he had always hoped to play the character of J. Jonah Jameson in a film adaptation of Spider-Man, though he conceded he was too old to even be considered by the time the film was actually made and praised J.K. Simmons for his performance in the role.
- After his retirement from work at Marvel he was invited to do a limited edition series for DC Comics, Marvel's principal rival. The series, titled 'Just Imagine', presented the feature DC characters -- Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash -- with different backgrounds and stories, as Stan Lee would have written them.
- Has it written into his contract that he appears in any movie based upon a Marvel character that he is credited with. So far he has appeared as the Hot Dog Vendor in X-Men (2000), Man in Fair in Spider-Man (2002), Old Man at Crossing in Daredevil (2003), Security Guard in Hulk (2003), Man Dodging Debris in Spider-Man 2 (2004), Willie Lumpkin in Fantastic Four (2005), Waterhose Man in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), Man in Times Square in Spider-Man 3 (2007), Rejected Wedding Guest in Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), the man whom Tony Stark mistakes for Hugh Hefner in Iron Man (2008) and an uncredited appearance as the man who drinks the soft drink contaminated with Bruce Banner's blood in The Incredible Hulk (2008). The only one he has not appeared in was X-Men 2 (2003). Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), where he appears as a U.S. Army general, is a partial exception; he did not create the character, but he created the character's signature move of throwing his shield in a early text story and was at least partially responsible for successfully reviving him in the 1960s as member of the Avengers.
- As of 2015, there are four X-Men films where Stan Lee doesn't appear in a cameo. They are X-Men 2 (2003), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), X-Men: First Class (2011) and X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). When asked at conventions why he doesn't appear in movies in which his presence would be expected, his usual response is "nobody asked me.".
- Just started his own Comic Book company called Kapow Comics (2005)
- His three most famous comic book creations are: Fantastic Four (Debut November 1961), the Incredible Hulk (Debut May 1962) and the Amazing Spider-Man (Debut August 1962 in 'Amazing Fantasy' # 15).
- Was a longtime friend of comic writer and artist Carmine Infantino, who was also president of DC Comics for several years.
- He was awarded the 2008 American National Medal of the Arts for his services to comic books and production.
- His parents, Celia (Solomon) and Jacob/Jack A. Lieber, were Romanian Jewish immigrants.
- In 1972, he becomes publisher and editorial director of Marvel Comics.
- His cameo as Willie Lumpkin in the first Fantastic Four movie was the first time Stan played an actual character that had appeared in a Marvel comic book. The script was re-written to include this character after the Thing's make-up artist, Bart Mixon, made the suggestion to producer Kevin Feige.
- Served during WWII in the US Army Training Film Division, writing manuals, training films, slogans, and cartoons under the military classification of "playwright." Only nine men in the US Army were given that title.
- Apart from his participation in the creation of the classic Marvel Comics characters, he also helped weaken censorship in the mainstream comics field. This happened when, after a formal request by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, he decided to do a story about the problem of drug abuse. The story he wrote in 1971 for "The Amazing Spider-Man" concerned Peter Parker's friend Harry Osborne having a bad trip on LSD and nearly dying from it. The Comics Code Authority declared that they would not give their seal of approval to the three-issue arc on the grounds that the code, which was notorious for being draconian, would not allow the depiction of drug use even when it is portrayed negatively. Confident that the original government request would give him credibility and with the support of his publisher, Martin Goodman, Lee decided to defy the CCA and published the story as is without the seal and received healthy sales and a positive public reaction for his efforts in portraying the social problem. Soon after, the CCA changed their rules to allow for anti-drug messages in comics.
- Entered the comic book scene at age 17 as assistant editor for the Timely comics group. In 1942, he was promoted to editor.
- Daughter is model/actress Joan Celia J.C. Lee (b. 1950). His other daughter, Jan Lee, died shortly after birth (1953).
- Born in his family's Manhattan apartment to a Romanian immigrant dad and American mom, Stanley Lieber grew up in poverty during the Great Depression. At age 17, he got a job through family connections at a pulp fiction outfit called Timely Publications, just as the new medium of comic books was coming into being. Using the pen name Stan Lee, he started writing for the company's new book "Captain America" in 1941. When the creators of that iconic character, writers Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, left Timely Publications at the end of that year 1941, 19-year-old Stan Lieber suddenly found himself editor of the whole operation. Not counting a few years of wartime service, Stan held that post for a good three-and-a-half decades, over which Timely Publications changed its name to Atlas and then Marvel. Comic books had fallen into a juvenile funk by 1961 and Stan Lee was prepared to find another line of work when his wife, Joan, encouraged him to give the super-hero genre one parting shot, but to do it the way he'd wanted to write them. The initial effort, conceived with returned illustrator-artist Jack Kirby, was the "Fantastic Four," and the Marvel Age of more realistic super-heroes with super-problems was born and quickly prospered. "What I tried to do was make out characters that all live in the same world," Lee said of the strategy employed with great success by the Marvel Cinematic Universe to this day. "When I could, I had 'em live in the same city, like Iron Man and the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man - all - lived in New York City. So it made it very easy for me. If I wanted to have a guest star, I didn't have to dream just some silly reason why they would get together. Why wouldn't they, if they lived in the same city?".
- He is the only actor to appear in every Marvel Cinematic Universe film.
- Disliked the 1970s live-action Spider-Man television series (for which he was a script consultant), deeming it "too juvenile". He also felt that Spider-Man was being treated on the show as a "cardboard character".
- He is credited as creating the Marvel Comics characters in the 1960s which introduced more complex characterizations for super-heroes. He also is credited for popularizing continuity to give the various series a sense of narrative flow and an interrelated common world for the characters. However, since the "plot first" writing method he used meant that the artists he collaborated with, especially Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, served as essentially co-writers, the matter who truly deserves the credit for the creations from such collaborations is a matter of vigorous debate.
- He ended his weekly "Stan's Soapbox" column (which appeared in every Marvel comic book) with the phrase "Excelsior!".
- Along with Lou Ferrigno, he is one of only two actors to appear in both Hulk (2003) and The Incredible Hulk (2008).
- Pow! Entertainment chairman and founder.
- He was a juror in a dream sequence in The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (1989).
- Stan Lee's first story was "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge" in Captain America Comics #3 in 1941, an all-text story.
- Cites Mallrats (1995) as the movie in which he had his first real starring role.
- He has appeared in nine films with Chris Evans: Fantastic Four (2005), Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), Avengers Assemble (2012), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Ant-Man (2015) and Captain America: Civil War (2016).
- Favorite childhood comic book hero was Flash Gordon.
- If he hadn't landed the career he pursued, he would love to have been an actor or an advertising copywriter.
- On Friday, October 28th, 2016, the City of Los Angeles' Mayor Eric Garretti declared that day, including the weekend of the 29th and 30th days, the first "Stan Lee Day" to celebrate the sixth "Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo" (2012) - rechristened - "San Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con Today" - held at the Los Angeles Downtown Convention Center. "I'm sure the streets will be blocked, like when the president comes into town. It'll be a big day. Are you going to be at the parade?" Stan asked Bob Strauss, the San Fernando Valley Daily News interviewer. The native New Yorker sounded totally sincere about what was his affection for the city he moved to in 1981. "I never thought I could love any city as much as New York, but I do love Los Angeles," the 93 year old Hollywood Hills resident said. "I'm incredibly happy here and I never want to leave. It's the center, really, of the entertainment world, and if you're in entertainment, what better place to be?" The new name for Lee's half-decade-old sixth fan con-fab emphasizes the Hollywood connection, with programs and panels covering TV; A reunion of the cast of the 1960's ABC TV hit "Batman" television show-series with the series star Adam West who played the handsome Bruce Wayne and caped crusader, despite that the "Batman" character belongs to Marvel rival DC comics'. "We have so many wonderful guests from so many different areas, many surprises planned," Lee said of his weekend comic-con-vention with 700 vendors selling comic books, fantasy garb and more, with comics celebrities on hand for autographs and pictures. . "I'll be all over the place, you won't be able to miss me. So unless you don't want to see me, I think fans will have a great time attending." The legions of fans call Stan "the Man" - who since the 1960s has been known as much for his redefining the art form with such Marvel Comics creations as Spider-Man, The X-Men and all of those Avengers - is capitalizing on the LA City name-honor-day by launching the newly rechristened Stan Lee's Los Angeles Convention Comic Con on the same day. The pop culture convention show, formerly known as Comikaze Expo - expected 90,000 people to converge on the Los Angeles Convention Center according to convention center spokeswoman Alexa Michelle Diaz. For many fans, it was a chance to "cosplay" action heroes from Spider-man to Wonder Woman, in full costume in the days leading up to Halloween. For Mayor Eric Garretti, the opening of the sixth comics carnival was a chance to celebrate Los Angeles, home of the 93-year-old generalissimo Marvel legend. "This is the most creative. place on the face of the Earth," Garcetti said, before the hordes of super-heroes swung their swords, shields and fantasy props entering the South Hall. "You're at the epicenter of the creative crossroads of the world. I'm just a fanboy. Grew up in the San Fernando Valley. Lots of comic book shops...I think I'm the only mayor in the world with the limited edition Wolverine comic book in my possession." Stan Lee's John Hancocks reportedly sold out within an hour of its 9 a.m. opening day. Stan Lee, dressed in a pastel mint green sweater over beige slacks said to the mayor, "This is great. I'm going to nominate you, Eric Garretti, for president." Deadpool giants. Fighter pilot tykes from "Star Wars." Wonder Women in fishnets. Everyone seemed poised for a selfie or photo snap from a stranger.
- Favorite TV cartoon The Simpsons (1989).
- Died the same year as Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko. Whilst Stan Lee's death was highly publicized by the press Steve Ditko's death was barley noticed. A similar thing happened between DC's Batman co-creators Bob Kane (who was listed as Batman's sole creator) and Bill Finger (who until recently hadn't been credited for his contributions to Batman and died penny-less).
- Lee was cremated. His ashes were given to his children.
- Counts Leslie Howard's Percy Blakeney in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934) as his first real movie superhero.
- His wife Joan wrote just one manuscript titled "The Pleasure Palace" that she submitted to DELL and it became the publisher's lead paperback bestseller of the month in 1987.
- Favorite films include, King Kong (1933), Inherit the Wind (1960), On the Waterfront (1954), The Quiet Man (1952), The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934), etc.
- Offered Luke Lieberman his first job, working at POW! Entertainment.
- Brother of Larry Lieber and first cousin of Mel Stuart.
- Once wrote a lengthy poem titled "God Woke".
- Lee enlisted into the US Army with the USA's entry into World War II. Although he was trained as an electrician for field duty on the front, he was reassigned to the Signal Corps as a playwright.
- Los Angeles, California (December 2008)
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