Christine Abbott; Joe Adams (Abramczyck); Robert B. Alto; John Arnone; Diana Bellamy; Candace Birk; Raye Birk; Judy Bjorlie; Mark Blankenfield; Ron Boussom; Jerry Brown; Larry Carpenter; Kit Carson; Pamela R. Carson; Catherine "Cathy" Christy Lincoln; Clinton Cochran; John R. Darrah; Philip Davidson; Tom Donaldson; Shirley Douglass Patton; Richard Allan Edwards; Dorothy French; Craig Gardner; Gregory Grove; Rick Hamilton; David A. Hart; Bradley High; David Johnson; Nancy Joyce; Andy Kallok; Frank Kelly; Brandis "Vivian Sally" Kemp; Katherine King; Roger Kozol; Christopher Leggette; Richard Lincoln; Julian Lopez-Morillas; Patty McCoy; Bruce McLeod; James McLure; William Molloy; Mark Murphey; David Kent Nale; Rick Newman; Peter Nyberg; Michael O'Sullivan; Larry Oliver; Fredi Olster; Pat Patton; Kenneth Perez; Corey Phelps; Jolene Phelps Van Hooser; Gerard Phipps; Forbes "Buck" Rogers; Schuyler Roll; Kenneth W. Roth; Elaine Sawyer; Gregory Ward Schroeder; John Sheehan; Brian Steeley; John W. Swearingen; Gregory Scott Temple; Scott Wagoner; J. Steven White; Lloyd Williamson; Michael Winters; Richard Yarnell and she were performers at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.
Although she had no connection with the series, her name was also the name of the character played by Tanya Roberts on the last season of Charlie's Angels (1976).