Rodger Bumpass
- Actor
- Additional Crew
- Composer
Rodger Bumpass was born in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 20, 1951. He attended Little Rock Central High School where he received his first training in theater. He attended Arkansas State University where he majored in radio-TV and minored in theater. He worked at the campus radio station and also at Jonesboro's Raycom Media owned ABC-affiliated television station, KAIT-TV, where he had multiple duties as announcer, film processor, cameraman, audio technician, and technical director.
In 1977 he won a role in the National Lampoon's music and comedy road show That's Not Funny, That's Sick and toured with them until 1978. That same year, he appeared in the TV special Disco Beaver from Outer Space for HBO. In 1979, Bumpass was cast as the leading role in a National Lampoon film to be called Jaws 3, People 0 in which he would have a love scene with Bo Derek. However, the film was canceled due to objections by the creators of the movie Jaws. In 1980, Bumpass created the character of 'Fartman' to appear on the National Lampoon LP The White Album, which later inspired the Howard Stern character by the same name.
Bumpass is best known to present-day viewers as the voice of Squidward Tentacles and various incidental characters on the Nickelodeon animated comedy series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is also known for voicing The Chief from Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, Dr. Light on Teen Titans, and Professor Membrane on Invader Zim.Though he has been voicing and acting in films since the 60s, and had also appeared on stage through the mid 70s until the late 80s.Bumpass has over 693 film credits, according to IMDb. In 2012, Bumpass received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for his role as Squidward on SpongeBob SquarePants.
In 1977 he won a role in the National Lampoon's music and comedy road show That's Not Funny, That's Sick and toured with them until 1978. That same year, he appeared in the TV special Disco Beaver from Outer Space for HBO. In 1979, Bumpass was cast as the leading role in a National Lampoon film to be called Jaws 3, People 0 in which he would have a love scene with Bo Derek. However, the film was canceled due to objections by the creators of the movie Jaws. In 1980, Bumpass created the character of 'Fartman' to appear on the National Lampoon LP The White Album, which later inspired the Howard Stern character by the same name.
Bumpass is best known to present-day viewers as the voice of Squidward Tentacles and various incidental characters on the Nickelodeon animated comedy series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is also known for voicing The Chief from Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, Dr. Light on Teen Titans, and Professor Membrane on Invader Zim.Though he has been voicing and acting in films since the 60s, and had also appeared on stage through the mid 70s until the late 80s.Bumpass has over 693 film credits, according to IMDb. In 2012, Bumpass received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for his role as Squidward on SpongeBob SquarePants.
TV Series
- Squidward
- Squidward Tentacles
- Customers
- Doctor
- Crowd
- Fish #1
- Customer #2
- Customer #1
- Customer #3
- Salesman
- Fish #2
- Mrs. Tentacles
- Anchovies
- Cop
- Customer
- Delivery Fish
- Fish #107
- Health Inspector
- Mailman
- Announcer
- Audience
- Bottomites
- Bus Driver
- Clams
- Fish Guy
- Guy #2
- Kids
- Male Fish #2
- Regigilled
- Urchins
- Audience Members
- Clowns
- Customer #4
- DJ
- Employee
- Fans
- Fish #108
- Fish #4
- Fish #68
- Fish 4
- Fish Husband
- Guy #1
- Gym Bros
- Kelpy G
- Male Fish #1
- Male Fish #4
- Mechanic
- Patrons
- Ringmaster
- Sea Bunnies
- Acorn
- Administrator
- Alien
- Allergist #2
- Anchovy
- Anchovy #1
- Angel
- Angel Fish
- Angry Crowd
- Angry Guy Customer
- Announcer #1
- Another Fish
- Another Jelly Fisher
- Another Random Fish
- Artist
- Audience Fish #3
- Balloon Two
- Banana Baby
- Band Member #3
- Bartender
- Beachgoers
- Beard
- Bertie
- Big Fish
- Bike Fish
- Bill
- Blowtorch
- Bonsai
- Boss
- Boxer
- Boy
- Bubble Person
- Bubble Principal
- Bus Passenger
- Business Fish #5
- Butcher
- Captain Lutefisk
- Chad
- Chairs
- Charles
- Child
- Chintzy McGee
- Chocking Fish
- Choir
- Citizens
- Clerk
- Clint
- Cloud
- Clown Flea
- Club Members
- Co-Pilot
- Colonel Sandab
- Commuters
- Conductor
- Construction Fish #2
- Construction Worker
- Construction Workers
- Convention Goers
- Coot
- Cop #107
- Cop #108
- Cousins
- Creepy Customer
- Crew
- Crew Member
- Crowd Member #3
- Customer #6
- Customer #8
- D. J.
- Daddy
- Dads
- Delegate
- Delivery Guy
- Demon
- Devil
- Diablo #1
- Diver Dick
- Doc
- Dollar #2
- Doodle Squidward
- Door Fish
- Doorknob
- Dr. Mundane
- Dragon
- Drippy
- Driver
- Driver Fish
- Drivers
- Dry Cleaner
- EMT Worker
- Eskimo Pet Store Owner
- Executive
- Extra #4
- Family
- Fan Boy #4
- Fancy Man
- Faux-chovies
- Fella
- Fergus
- Ferry Worker
- Filthy Phil
- Fish
- Fish #105
- Fish #106
- Fish #14
- Fish #23
- Fish #3
- Fish #38
- Fish #41
- Fish #69
- Fish #7
- Fish #83
- Fish #9
- Fish Dude
- Fish Guy #3
- Fish Kids
- Fish from Crowd
- Fish in Hat
- Fish in Window
- Fondue Man
- Football Guy #1
- Frail Fish
- French Purser
- Frog
- Fruit Vendor
- Game Show Host
- Garbage Man
- Gardener
- General
- Genie
- Gerbil
- Ghost #2
- Glove World Patrons
- Gnarly Squid
- Goon #2
- Graffiti Squidward
- Greek Chorus
- Groom
- Guard #2
- Guests
- Guy Customer #1
- Gym Fish
- Handymen
- Happy Fish
- Hat Fish
- Hat Salesman
- Hatty Patty
- Hazmat #1
- Hazmat Officer
- Head Surgeon
- Health Inspector #2
- Hillfolk
- Hopalong Squidward
- Hot Dog Wrestler
- Hot Fish
- Injured Driver #2
- Instructor
- Internal Affairs Officer #2
- Jake
- Jazz Club Punks
- Jeff Jellyson
- Jellien Fish #2
- Jellien Fish #4
- Jellien Squidward
- Jellies
- Jenkins
- Jogger Student #7
- Johnny
- Judge
- Juggling Flea
- Juror Man #1
- Keystone Cop #1
- Krabby Patty Man
- Lady Squidward
- Leftover
- Leprechaun
- Line of Customers
- Little Idiot
- Lost Kid Fish
- Male
- Male Customer
- Male Customer #3
- Male Customer #5
- Male Fish
- Male Fish #6
- Male Fitness Instructor
- Male Surgeon #2
- Man Peasant
- Man in Angry Mob
- Manward
- Mayor
- Middle Fish
- Minister
- Mirror Monster
- Mohawk Guy
- Moon
- Moppettes
- Motorcycle Cop
- Mover #1
- Mr. Magic
- Mummy
- Musicians
- Mysterious Voice
- Narrator
- Naval Buddy #1
- Neighbor
- Nematodes
- Nerd
- Nerdy Customers
- Newscaster
- Nitwit #1
- No Eyes
- Nut
- Officer
- Officer Slugfish
- Official
- Officiant
- Olaf #2
- Old Coot #2
- Old Lost Male
- Old Lost Male #2
- Old Man
- Old People
- One Eye
- Orange Kid Fish
- Otto
- Paramedic #2
- Parfait
- Passenger #2
- Passengers
- Patrick's Feet
- Patron
- Patron #2
- Pawn Shop Owner
- Peanut
- Pedestrian
- Pedestrian Robots
- Phone Fish
- Phone Repairman
- Photographer
- Pilot Newscaster
- Pirate Captain
- Pirate Skeleton
- Pizza Guy
- Pogo Clown
- Police Officers
- Police Radio
- Postal Workers
- Priest
- Professor
- Prospector
- Purple Fish
- Quarter
- Radio DJ
- Referee
- Repair Man
- Restaurant Fish
- Rick
- Riders
- Roach #2
- Robber
- Rock Botttomites
- Rodger
- Roller Coaster Riders
- Roller Skaters
- Runner Fish
- Sad Prisoner
- Sailor
- Scared Tough Guy
- Screwhead Guy
- Sea Bear
- Sea Bears
- Sea Urchins
- Security Guard
- Shark Boy #2
- Singer #3
- Skeleton Fish
- Skull #1
- Skunk
- Slow Motion Kids
- Small Yellow Narwhal
- Smart Fish
- Snake Monster
- Sound Machine
- Spatula
- Spirit
- SpongeBob Doppelganger
- Spotter #1
- Squid Drawing
- SquidBot
- SquidBot Twin
- SquidHarp
- SquidUrchin
- Squidly
- Squidward Face
- Squidward Tenatcles
- Squidward's Eyeballs
- Squidward's Eyes
- Squidward's Mama
- Squidward's Mother
- Squidward's Nose
- Squidward's Reflection
- Squidward's Teenage Cousin
- Squidward's Tree
- Squidward, Fish #4
- Squog
- Storyboard Artist
- Student Driver
- Students
- Surfer #3
- Swordfish
- TV Announcer
- TV Salesman
- Tall Pipe
- Tattoo Guy
- Taxi Driver
- Tech
- Teddy Bear
- Teen #1
- Teen #2
- Teen 1
- Teller #3
- The Creeper
- Therapist
- Thirsty Fish
- Thumbhawk #2
- Ticket Guy
- Tiki Alien Soldiers
- Tire Bird
- Tough Eater
- Tough Guy #2
- Tough Guy #8
- Tough Shark
- Tourists
- Townsfolk #1
- Train Passengers
- Tree #2
- Trees
- Troop Leader
- Tumbler Flea
- Underwear
- Unicycle Flea
- Vampires
- Vendor
- Vet
- Veterinarian
- Villains
- Violinist #1
- Voice on Phone
- Waiter
- Wandering Pirate #1
- Weenie Bot #3
- Weenie Goons
- Weight Bar Stuffed Animals
- Weight Rack Stuffed Animals
- Worker #1
- Workmen
- Worm
- Worm Owner
- Worms
- Yellow Fish
- Zombies