- (1919 - 1943) Active on Broadway in the following productions:
- (1919) Stage Play: A Lonely Romeo. Musical comedy. Music by Malvin M. Franklin and Robert Hood Bowers. Book by Harry B. Smith and Lew Fields. Lyrics by Robert B. Smith and Lorenz Hart [earliest Broadway credit]. Additional music by Otis Spencer and Richard Rodgers. Musical Direction by Robert Hood Bowers. Orchestrations for Malvin Franklin's numbers Charles Grant. Scenic Design by P. Dodd Ackerman. Costume Design by Cora MacCreachy. Choreographed by Jack Mason. Directed by William H. Post. Shubert Theatre (moved to The Casino Theatre from 28 Jul 1919- close): 10 Jun 1919- 10 Nov 1919 (215 performances). Cast: Arthur Ball, Julia Barnette, Ellen Best, Frank Billings, Frank Binns (as "Mr. Cheatham"), Helen Blake, Hazel Bowman, Octavia Broske, Jessica Brown, Toots Bryce, Robert Calley, Frances Cameron, Clara Carroll, Jean Carroll, Edna Chase, Harry Clarke, George Coogan, Jeannette Cooke, Frank Cornell, Louise Dale, Jim Dalton, Marjorie Day, Virginia DeLillies, Frank Doane (as "Ichabod Wintergreen"), Marion Dorr, Herbert Fields (as "Milton"), Lew Fields (as "Augustus Tripp"), Margaret Finley, Gladys Fisher, Helen Fox, Pauline Garon, Alan Hale (as "Gilbert Grant"), Eleanor Henry, Nan Hope, Jack Kellar, Gladys Lang, Elsie Lange, Artie Leeming, Clarence Levy, Muriel Lodge (as "Madame Flambauex/Bessie Bonstella/Mrs. Lenox/Customer"), Charlie Mitchell, Gypsy Mooney, Ruth Reavis, Richard Russ, Willie Solar, Nellie St. Clair, Willie St. Clair, Lauretta Stanley, Louise Strong, Fay Tunis, Catherine Van Pelt, Alton Weber, Joe Wilmot Niemeyer, Violet Wilson. Produced by Lee Shubert, J.J. Shubert and Lew Fields. Note: Historically significant as the first recognized Rogers & Hart musical on Broadway.
- (1920) Stage Play: Poor Little Ritz Girl. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers and Sigmund Romberg. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart and Alex Gerber. Book by Lew Fields and George Campbell. Musical Director: Pierce de Reeder. Conducted by Charles Previn. Lighting Design by Ned Wayburn. Scenic Design by H. Robert Law. Costume Design by Cora MacCreachy, Anna Spencer and Marie Cook. Choreographed by David Bennett. Directed by Ned Wayburn. Central Theatre: 28 Jul 1920- 16 Oct 1920 (93 performances). Cast: Julie Anderson, Bobbie Beckwith, Eugenie Blair (as "Jane DePuyster"), Elsie Bonwit, Ardele Cleaves, Dolly Clements, DeSacia Crandell, Michael Cunningham, Frisco Devere, Eleanor Griffith, Ruth Hale, Mabel Hastings, Donald Kerr, Dore Leighton, Muriel Manners, Lulu McConnell, Mabel Pearson, Mary Phillips, Nan Phillips, Aileen Poe (as "Lillian Lawrence"), Charles Purcell (as "William Pembroke"), Josephine Rolfe, Grant Simpson, Lee Smith, Madeline Smith, Andrew Tombes (as "Dr. Russell Stevens"), Peggy Walsh, Betty Warlow, Florence Webber, Vivian White. Produced by Lew Fields.
- (1922) Stage Play: The First Fifty Years. Drama. Written by Harry Myers. Princess Theatre: 13 Mar 1922- Apr 1922 (closing date unknown/48 performances). Cast: Clare Eames (as "Ann Wells"), Tom Powers (as "Martin Wells"). Produced by Lorenz Hart and Irving Strouse.
- (1925) Stage Play: Garrick Gaieties. Musical revue. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Musical Staging by Herbert Fields. Directed by Philip Loeb. Garrick Theatre: 8 Jun 1925- 28 Nov 1926 (211 performances). Cast: Sally Bates, Alvah Bessie, Romney Brent, Dorothea Chard, June Cochrane, Harold Conklin, Peggy Conway, Henry Geiger, Hildegarde Halliday, Carolyn Hancock, Edward Hogan, Sterling Holloway, Libby Holman, Frances Hyde, Felix Jacoves, House Jameson, Paul Jones, Starr West Jones, Stanley Lindahl, Philip Loeb, Mary Marsh, John McGovern, Edith Meiser, Sanford Meisner, James Norris, Jack Quigley, Louis Richardson, Rose Rolanda, Eleanor Shaler, Betty Starbuck, Lee Strasberg, Willard Tobias, Barbara Wilson. Produced by The Theatre Guild.
- (1925) Stage Play: June Days. Musical comedy. Music by J. Fred Coots. Book by Cyrus Wood. Lyrics by Clifford Grey. Based on a comedy by Robert Milton and Alice Duer Miller. Musical Director: John L. McManus. Featuring songs by Alfred Goodman, Maurice Ruebens and Richard Rodgers. Featuring songs with lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Choreographed by Seymour Felix. Production Supervised by J.J. Shubert. Astor Theatre (moved to The Central Theatre (7 Sep 1925- close): 6 Aug 1925- 17 Oct 1925 (84 performances). Cast: Winifred Beck, Isabelle Brown, Adelaide Candee, Sylvia Carol, Willa De Brauw, Dorothy Deeder, George Dobbs, Bertha Donn (as "Sally Boyd"), Helen Doyle, Frances Ebert, Jay C. Flippen (as "Johnson"), Ethel Fuller, Claire Grenville, Shirley Gustin, Winifred Harris (as "Mrs. Rolles"), Elizabeth Hines, Maurice Holland, Millie James, Lee Kohlmar (as "Herman Van Zandt"), Joan Lyons, Aileen Meehan, Mabel Olsen, Jacqueline Paige, Bobbie Perkins, Ralph Reader (as "Butler"), Roy Royston, Bebe Stanton, Gladys Walton, Flora Watson, Beatrice Wendell, June Zimmerman. Produced by Lee Shubert and J.J. Shubert.
- (1925) Stage Play: Dearest Enemy. Musical comedy. Book by Herbert Fields. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Emil Gerstenberger. Dances and Ensembles Directed by Carl Hemmer. Orchestra under the direction of Richard Rodgers. Libretto Directed by Charles Sinclair and Harry Ford. Scenic Design by Clark Robinson. Costume Design by Mark Mooring (Costumes for Act One), Hubert Davis (Costumes for Act One) and James Reynolds (Costumes for Acts Two and Three). Directed by John Murray Anderson. Knickerbocker Theatre: 18 Sep 1925- 22 May 1926 (286 performances). Cast: Flavia Arcaro (as "Ms. Robert Murray"), Peggy Bancroft, Charles Bennington, Arthur Brown, Walter Burke, Rachel Chester, Harold Crane, Roberta Curry, James Cushman, Marian Dabney, Marita Dennis, H.E. Eldridge, William Eville (as "General Henry Clinton"), Gloria Faye, Helen Ford, Percy French, Alden Gay, Louis Gomez, Conrad Gordon, George Harold, Don Knobloch, Frank Lambert, Edward Larkin, Andrew Lawlor Jr. (as "Jimmy Burke"), Joy Leitch, Betty Linn, Mildred Mann, Burton McEvilly (as "Ensemble") [Broadway debut], Elizabeth North, Jane Overton, Josephine Payne, Detmar Poppen (as "General John Tryon"), Geneva Price, Charles Purcell (as "Captain Sir John Copeland"), Eugenia Renon, John Seymour, Jack Shannon, Lucille Smyser, Helen Spring, Mark Truscott, John Valentine, Marian Williams, Polly Williams, Percy Woodley, Devah Worrell, Mabel Zoeckler. Produced by George Ford.
- (1926) Stage Play: The Girl Friend. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Maurice De Packh. Musical Director: Ernest Cutting. Scenic Design by P. Dodd Ackerman. Production Supervised by Lew Fields. Directed by John Harwood. Vanderbilt Theatre: 17 Mar 1926- 4 Dec 1926 (301 performances). Cast: Dorothy Barber, Olive Beebe, Walter Bigelow, Dorothy Brown, Arthur C. Budd, Evelyn Cavanaugh, Austin Clark, Roy Clements, June Cochrane, Gertrude Cole, Eva Condon (as "Fanny Silver"), Frank Doane (as "Arthur Spencer"), Francis X. Donegan, Joel Duroe, A. Goodrich, Eve Marie Gray, John Hundley, Jack Kogan, Alice Kosta, Ainsley Lambert, Eddie Leslie, Carol Lynne, William Marshall, Elizabeth Mears, Gypsy Mooney, Jan Moore, Herman Newman, Virginia Otis, Eva Puck, Leon Rose, Dorothy Roy, Paul Sabin, Silvia Shawn, Helen Shepard, K. Smith Stanley, Evelyn Ruth Urilda, Sam White, Sanford Wolf. Produced by Lew Fields.
- (1926) Stage Play: Garrick Gaieties. Musical revue (revival). Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Guild Theatre: 10 May 1926- 9 Oct 1926 (174 performances). Cast: Romney Brent, Jack Edwards, Blanche Fleming, George Frierson, William Griffith, Sterling Holloway, Dorothy Jordan, Gladys Laird, Philip Loeb, John McGovern, Edith Meiser, Ruth Morris, Hardwick Nevin, Bobbie Perkins, Eleanor Shaler, Betty Starbuck. Produced by The Theatre Guild.
- (1926) Stage Play: Peggy-Ann. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Suggested by the musical "Tillie's Nightmare" with book and lyrics by Edgar Smith. Suggested by the musical "Tillie's Nightmare" with music by A. Baldwin Sloane. Music orchestrated by Roy Webb. Musical Director: Roy Webb. Directed by Robert Milton. Vanderbilt Theatre: 27 Dec 1926- 29 Oct 1927 (333 performances). Cast: Margaret Breen, Lester Cole (as "Guy Pendleton"), Grace Connelly, Wally Coyle, Howard Eames, Enes Early, G. Douglas Evans, Helen Ford (as "Peggy-Ann"), Sherry Gale, Barney Jackson, Louise Joyce, Maretta Kay, Leda Knapp, Harold Lang, Lulu McConnell, Edith Meiser (as "Dolores Barnes"), Fuller Mellish Jr. (as "Arnold Small"), Harold Mellish, Beth Meredith, Margaret Miller, Jack Morton, Gordon Phillips, Patrick Rafferty, Dorothy Roy, Evelyn Ruh, Grant Simpson, Betty Starbuck (as "Alice Frost"), Jack Thompson, Marion Trabue, Velma Valentine. Produced by Lew Fields and Lyle D. Andrews.
- (1926) Stage Play: Betsy. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Based on material by Irving Caesar and David Freedman. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Musical Director: Victor Baravalle. Featuring songs with lyrics by A. Segal. Choreographed by Sammy Lee. Directed by William Anthony McGuire. Production Supervised by Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. New Amsterdam Theatre: 28 Dec 1926- 29 Jan 1927 (39 performances). Cast: Belle Baker (as "Betsy"), Madeline Cameron, Dan Healy, Ed Hickey, Pauline Hoffman, Jimmy Hussey, Allen Kearns, Vanita La Nier, Evelyn Law, Barbara Newberry, Bobbie Perkins, Phil Pyley, Al Shean (as "Stonewall Moskowitz"), Jack White, Ralph Whitehead. Produced by Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.
- (1927) Stage Play: A Connecticut Yankee. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Musical Director: Paul Parnell. Adapted from the work of Mark Twain. Music orchestrated by Roy Webb. Dances by Busby Berkeley. Directed by Alexander Leftwich. Vanderbilt Theatre: 2 Nov 1927- 27 Oct 1928 (421 performances). Cast: Ward Arnold (as "Ensemble"), Charles Bannister, Olive Bertram, Chester Bree (as "Sir Tristan, in the play/Ensemble"), Arnold Brown, Nana Bryant, Gordon Burbe (as "Albert Kay, Sir Kay the Seneschal in the play"), Constance Carpenter, June Cochrane, Margaret Collins, Grace Connelly, John Creighton, Martin Denis, Regina Diamond, Enez Early, Paul Everton, Ednor Fulling, William Gaxton (as "Martin, The Yankee in the play"), Harriet Hammill, Jane Hurd, Fred Jordan, Leoda Knapp, Katharine Kohler, Helen Mann, Dan McGovern, Margaret Miller, Jack Morton, John Morton, Marion Nevins, William Norris, Frank Norton, William Rosell, Dorothy Rubino, Evelyn Ruh, Jack Thompson. Produced by Lew Fields and Lyle D. Andrews. Note: No attributed play-film link to the Fox Film version The Yankee at King Arthur's Court (1931) or the more celebrated Paramount Pictures production, A Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949).
- (1928) Stage Play: She's My Baby. Musical comedy/farce. Book by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Special Augmented Orchestra under the direction of: Gene Salzer. Costume Design by Francillon Inc. and Raymond Sovey. Scenic Design by Raymond Sovey. Choreographed by Mary Read. Directed by Edward Royce. Globe Theatre: 3 Jan 1928- 3 Mar 1928 (71 performances). Cast: Beatrice Lillie (as "Tilly"), Paul Banker, James H. Beattie, Joan Clement (as "Joan"), May Cornes, Cleo Cullen, Peggy Cunningham, Evelyn Dehkes, Teddy Denton, Bernie Dirkes, Frank Doane (as "Mr. Hemingway, Martin's trustee"), Malcolm Duffield, Irene Dunne (as "Polly"), Pearl Eaton (as "Pearl"), Evelyn Ellsmore, Geraldine Fitzgerald (as "Ensemble"), William Frawley (as "Meadows"), Doreen Glover, Alfred Hale, Violet Hanbury, Muriel Hayman, Elsie Holt, Grace Holt, Topsy Humphries, Nick Long Jr. (as "The Dance Director"), Mary Louise, William McCarthy, Glenn McComas, Alfred Milano, Catherine Na Varro, Blanche O'Donohoe, Charlotte Otis, Jessie Payne, Phyllis Rae, Peti Reed, Lily Reilly, Anna Riley, Evelyn Sayers, Loretta Sayers, Georgie Sewell, Ula Sharon, William Sholar Jr., Iris Smith, Pearl Sodders, Peggy Sowden, Robert Spencer, Jack Stevens, Ward Tallman, Norma Taylor, George Vigouroux, Robert Vreeland, Florence Ware, Doris Waterworth, Clifton Webb (as "Clyde Parker, the author"), Hazel Webb, Jack Whiting, Jill Williams, Vivian Wilson, Hilda Winstanley, Dorothy Wyatt. Produced by Charles B. Dillingham.
- (1928) Stage Play: Present Arms. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Book by Herbert Fields. Musical Director: Roy Webb. Choreographed by Busby Berkeley. Directed by Alexander Leftwich. Lew Fields' Mansfield Theatre: 26 Apr 1928- 1 Sep 1928 (155 performances). Cast: Joyce Barbour (as "Edna Stevens"), James H. Beattie, Busby Berkeley (as "Douglas Atwell"), Gaile Beverley, Milton Brodus, Dorothy Brown, Rachel Chester, Evelyn Crowell, William Culloo, Louis Delgado, Demaris Dore, Jack Douglas, Frank Gagen, Sherry Gale, Aline Green, Frances Hess, Florence Hunter, Louise Joyce, Henrietta Kay, Frank Kimball, Charles King (as "Chick Evans"), Anthony Knilling, Charlotte La Rose, Richard Lane, Edward Larkin, Flora le Breton (as "Lady Delphine"), Alexander Lewis (as "Karl"), Frank Losee (as "Ensemble"), Jerome Maxwell, Glenn McComas (as "Ensemble"), Jock McGraw (as "McKabe"), Fuller Mellish (as "McKenna"), Beth Meredith, Walter Pharr, Polly Ray, Wilburn Riviere, Alma Ross (as "Luana/Moulika"), Patricia Ross, Sydney Smith, Robert Spencer, Thomas Sternfeld, Marion Stuart, Wanda Wood, Franker Woods, Jessica Worth. Produced by Lew Fields.
- (1928) Stage Play: Chee-Chee. Musical comedy. Book by Lew Fields. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Roy Webb. Musical Director: Roy Webb. Based on the novel "The Son of the Grand Eunuch" by Charles Pettit. Choreographed by Jack Haskell. Directed by Alexander Leftwich. Lew Fields' Mansfield Theatre: 25 Sep 1928- 20 Oct 1928 (31 performances). Cast: George Ali, Violetta Aoki, Marshall Bradford (as "Leader of Khonghouses"), Richardson Brown, Gene Byron, James Dale, Robert Davis, Helen Ford, Ralph Glover, William Griffith, Evelyn Hannons, George Hassell, George Houston (as "The Tartar Chief"), Paul Jensen, George C. Lehrian, Philip Loeb (as "Innkeeper/Produndity and Meditation"), Alan Lowe, Bunny Moore, Starke Patterson, Ruby Poe, Eugenia Renon, Dorothy Roye, Masa Sanami, Helen Shepard, Betty Starbuck (as "Li-Li Wee"), Velma Valentine, Ted White, William Williams. Produced by Lew Fields.
- (1929) Stage Play: Lady Fingers. Musical comedy. Music by Joseph Meyer. Book by Edward Buzzell, from the comedy "Easy Come, Easy Go" by Owen Davis. Lyrics by Edward Eliscu. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek and Roy Webb. Musical Director: Roy Webb. Featuring songs by Richard Rodgers. Featuring songs with lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Directed by Edgar J. MacGregor. Vanderbilt Theatre (moved to The Liberty Theatre from 1 Apr 1929- close): 31 Jan 1929- 25 May 1929 (132 performances). Cast: Marcia Bell, Joey Benton, Al Berl, John Bragg, Louise Brown, Edward Buzzell (as "Jim Bailey"), Grace Connelly, Alan Crane, Cleo Cullen, James Curran, Violet Dell, Martin Dennis, Jim Diamond, Jack Dugan, Enes Early, Mildred Espy (as "Ensemble"), Robert Fleming (as "Masters"), Louise Garnett, Ruth Gordon (as "Ruth/Ensemble"), Aline Green, William Griffith, Degnan Harnden, Red Harnden, John Price Jones, Sidney Kane, Harry Lake, Gertrude MacDonald, Dorothy McCarthy, Margaret McCarthy, Margaret Miller, Lucille Moore, Jack Morton, Esther Muir, Anna Mycue, Billy Neely, Frances Nevins, Charlotte Otis, Anna Rex, Al Sexton, Charles Troy, Velma Valentine, Lew Walker, Edwin Walter, Herbert Waterous, Marjorie White. Produced by Lyle D. Andrews.
- (1929) Stage Play: Spring is Here. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Book by Owen Davis. Musical Director: Alfred Newman. Choreographed by Bobby Connolly. Alvin Theatre: 11 Mar 1929- 8 Jun 1929 (104 performances). Cast: Victor Arden, Joyce Barbour (as "Rita Conway"), Inez Courtney (as "Mary Jane"), Frank Gagen, John Hundley, Glenn Hunter, Dick Keene, Cy Landry (as "Ebens"), Phil Ohman, Lew Parker, Charles Ruggles (as "Peter Braley"), Gil Squires, Lillian Taiz, Maidel Turner (as "Emily Braley"), Thelma White. Produced by Alex Aarons and Vinton Freedley. Note: Filmed as Spring Is Here (1930).
- (1929) Stage Play: Heads Up. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Jack McGowan and Paul Gerard Smith. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music arranged by Robert Russell Bennett. Pianist: Phil Ohman. Musical Director: Alfred Newman. Scenic Design by Donald Oenslager. Costume Design by Kiviette. Directed by George Hale. Alvin Theatre: 11 Nov 1929- 15 Mar 1930 (144 performances). Cast: Atlas & La Mar, Ray Bolger (as "Georgie"), Alice Boulden, Chester Bree, Louis Delgado, Robert Gleckler (as "Captain Denny"), John Hamilton, John Hundley, Richard Macaleese, Victor Moore (as "Skippy Dugan"), Barbara Newberry, Lewis Parker, Betty Starbuck (as "Betty Boyd"), Janet Velie, Jack Whiting. Produced by Alex. A. Aarons and Vinton Freedley.
- (1930) Stage Play: Simple Simon. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Ed Wynn and Guy Bolton. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Choreographed by Seymour Felix. Directed by E.B. 'Zeke' Colvan. Ziegfeld Theatre: 18 Feb 1930- 14 Jun 1930 (135 performances). Cast: Cast: Will Ahern, Pirko Ahlquist, Bobbe Arnst, Mabel Baade, Elsie Behrens, Hugh Cameron (as "Otto Prince"), Ben Carswell, Marie Conwal, Mary Coyle, Frank DeWitt, Marion Dodge, Alan Edwards, Caja Eric, William J. Ferry, Hazel Forbes, Agnes Franey, Dolores Grant, Harriet Hoctor, Anthony Hughes, Mildred Ivory, Alfred P. James, Pete La Della, Doree Leslie, Neva Lynn, Elaine Mann, Virginia McNaughton, Frieda Mierse, Villi Milli, Lee Morse, Patsy O'Day, Master George Offerman, Dorothy Patterson, Lennox Pawle, Georgia Payne, Lois Peck, Gladys Pender, Clementine Rigeau, Blanche Satchell, Joseph Schrode, Douglas Stanbury, Paul Stanton, Helen Walsh (as "Jewel Pearce"), Gil White, Ed Wynn (as "Simon"). Produced by Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.
- (1931) Stage Play: America's Sweetheart. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Robert Russell Bennett. Musical Director: Alfred Goodman. Choreographed by Bobby Connolly. Production Supervised by Bobby Connolly. Directed by Monty Woolley. Broadhurst Theatre: 10 Feb 1931- 6 Jun 1931 (135 performances). Cast: Jeanne Aubert, Virginia Bruce (as "Miss Mulligan"), Alice Burrage (as "Telephone Operator"), Terry Carroll, Bud Clark, Inez Courtney (as "Madge Farrell"), Dorothy Dare (as "Dorith"), Raoul De Tisne, Al Downing, Jay Ford, Charles Fowler, Herbert Hall, Harriette Lake, Francetta Malloy, Vera Marsh, Sue Moore, Fred Shawhan, John Sheehan (as "S.A. Dolan"), Gus Shy, O.J. Vanasse, Jack Whiting. Produced by Laurence Schwab and Frank Mandel.
- (1931) Stage Play: Simple Simon. Musical comedy (revival). Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Ed Wynn and Guy Bolton. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Directed by Seymour Hicks. Majestic Theatre: 9 Mar 1931- 21 Mar 1931 (16 performances). Cast: Albert Baron, Laine Blaire, Betty Blake, David Breen, Margaret Breen, Buff Bullard, Paul Butterworth, Jerrie Cragin, Muriel DeLova, Peggy Driscoll, Muriel DeLova, Frank DeWitt, William J. Ferry, Lulu Gray, Barbara Hamilton, Muriel Harrison, Harriet Hoctor, Pete La Della, James McKay, Virginia McNaughton, Frieda Mierse, Villi Milli, Irma Montague, Master George Offerman, Patricia Palmer, Renee Rivir (as "Peter Pan"), Jerry Rogers, Joseph Schrode (as "The Horse") [final Broadway role], Billie Seward, Harry Shannon, Wini Shaw (as "Sal"), Marie Shea, Mimi Sherman, Ruth Simmons, Adele Smith, Gil Squires, Jack Squires, Flora Taylor, William H. White, Frances Williams (as "Goldylocks"), Ed Wynn. Produced by Ed Wynn.
- (1935) Stage Play: Jumbo. Musical comedy/puppets. Music by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Book by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. Lyrics by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Choreographed by Allan K. Foster and Marjery Fielding. Directed by John Murray Anderson and George Abbott. Hippodrome Theatre: 16 Nov 1935- 18 Apr 1936 (233 performances). Cast: Dave Adams, Dave Ballard, Barbette, Jack Barnes, Big Rosie, Donald Black, Tom Breen, Helen Brooks, Willard Dashiell, Charles De Camo, Josie DeMotte, Dr. Ostermeier's "Doheos", Lipman Duckat, Lenze Duo, Jimmy Durante (as "Claudius B. Bowers"), Sybil Elaine (as "Little Girl"), Lynn Eldredge, William J. Ferry, Roger Gerry, Gloria Grafton (as "Mickey Considine"), Gene Greenlaw, Grace Elizabeth Hanneford, Poodles Hanneford (as "Poodles"), Helen Harvey, Harry Jackson, Mary Jackson, Julius Johnson, Robert Johnson, A.P. Kaye (as "Mr. Jellico"), Tiny Kline, Karl Kosicsky, John Kuebler, Arthur La Fleur, Henry La Marr, Minnie LaPell, Bob Lawrence, Jack Leslie, Walter Lewis, Tom Lomas, Jim Mardy, W.J. McCarthy, Ray Miller, Victoria Miller, Donald Novis, William Parker, Jack Phillips, A. Robins, William Selig, Arthur Sherwood, Arthur Sinclair, Fred Spear, Takayama, The Kimris, The Nazfys, The Stonleys, Lomas Troupe, Olivette Tyana, Frances Van Ritter, George Watts, Solon West (as "Razorback"), Cliff Whitcombe, Philip Wood. Produced by Billy Rose.
- (1936) Stage Play: On Your Toes. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Richard Rodgers, George Abbott and Lorenz Hart. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Directed by Worthington Miner. Imperial Theatre (moved to The Majestic Theatre from 9 Nov 1936 to close): 11 Apr 1936- 23 Jan 1937 (315 performances). Cast: Ray Bolger (as "Phil Dolan III/Hoofer/"Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" Ballet), Doris Carson, Luella Gear (as "Peggy Porterfield"), Tamara Geva (as "Vera Barnova/Princess Zenobia/Princess Zenobia Ballet/Strip Tease Girl/"Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" Ballet), Monty Woolley (as "Sergei Alexandrovitch"), William Baker, Libby Bennett, May Block, Edward Brinkman, William Broder, Jill Christie, George Church, Fred Danieli, Nick Dennis (as "Thug"), Dorothy Denton, Henry Dick, Enes Earley, Eleanor Fiata, Marjorie Fisher, Robert H. Forsythe, Gloria Franklin, Basil Galahoff, Dorothy Hall, Ethel Hampton, Harold Haskin, Harold Haskins, Dave Jones, Grace Kaye, Tyrone Kearney, Joan Keenan, Isabelle Kimpal, Betty Lee, Bob Long, Gertrude Magee, Russ Milton, Julian Mitchell, Marie Monnig, David Morris, Frances Nevins, Mae Noble, Harry Peterson, Jack Quinn, Carole Renwick, Patsy Schenck, Ursula Seiler, Robert Sidney, Betty Jane Smith, Guy Stanion, Drucilla Strain, Valery Streshnev, Dorothy Thomas, Beau Tilden (as "Call Boy/Thug/Gentleman of the Ensemble"), Demetrios Vilan, William Wadsworth, Davenie Watson, Amy Weber, Alma Wertley, George Young. Produced by Dwight Wiman.
- (1936) Stage Play: The Show is On. Musical revue. Sketches by David Freedman. "Mr. Gielgud Passes By" by Moss Hart. Music mostly by Vernon Duke. Lyrics mostly by Ted Fetter. Additional music by Hoagy Carmichael, Arthur Schwartz, George Gershwin, Harold Arlen, Herman Hupfeld, Will Irwin and Richard Rodgers. Additional lyrics by Stanley Adams, Howard Dietz, Ira Gershwin, E.Y. Harburg, Herman Hupfeld, Norman Zeno and Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Gordon Jenkins. Additional orchestrations by Robert Russell Bennett and [error]. Production Design by Vincente Minnelli. Conceived by Vincente Minnelli. Sketches directed by Edward C. Lilley. Choreographed by Robert Alton. "Casanova" choreographed by Harry Losee. Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Winter Garden Theatre: 25 Dec 1936- 17 Jul 1937 (236 performances). Cast: Marion Allen, Vera Allen (as "Desdemona"), Gene Ashley, Gracie Barrie, Hazel Boffinger, Kenneth Bostock, Roy Campbell's Continentals, Mary Ann Carr, Marie Carroll, Andre Charise, Dorothy Daly, Doris Donaldson, Helen Ecklund, Hugh Ellsworth, Peggy Gallimore, Reginald Gardiner (as "Shakespeare"), Paul Haakon, Pearl Harris, Irene Kelly, Jerrie Koban, Bert Lahr (as "Ronald Taylor"), Jane Lane, Beatrice Lillie (as "Go Go Benuti"), Mitzi Mayfair, June McNulty, Gertrude Medwin, Jean Moorehead, Marion Murray, Gifford Nash, Fred Nay, Mortimer O'Brien, Paul Owen, Mary Phillips, Mischa Pompianov, Ralph Riggs, Harry Rogue, Polly Rose, Richard Satterfield, Robert Shafer, Sherry Stuart, Evelyn Thawl, Willem Van Loon, Charles Waters, Mildred Webb, Duke Williams. Produced by Lee Shubert and J.J. Shubert.
- (1937) Stage Play: Babes in Arms. Musical comedy. Material by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Musical Director: Gene Salzer. Choreographed by George Balanchine. Directed by Robert B. Sinclair. Shubert Theatre (moved to The Majestic Theatre from 25 Oct 1937 to close): 14 Apr 1937- 18 Dec 1937 (289 performances). Cast: Roy Adler, Buddy Allen, Micky Alvarez, Jay Bee, Libby Bennett, Verna Ceders, Stella Clauson, Tania Clell, Alex Courtney, Mitzie Dahl, Dan Dailey (as "The Gang"), Clifton Darling, Aljan de Loville, Jere Delaney, Alfred Drake, Bronson Dudley, Eleanor Fiata, Bob Fishelson, Gloria Franklin, Ted Gary, James Gillis, Mitzi Green, Dana Hardwick, Claire Harvey, Ray Heatherton, Mickey Herson, Georgia Hiden, Ethel Intropidi (as "Mazie LaMar"), LeRoy James, Marjorie Jane, Alvin Kerr, Bobby Lane, Betty Lee, Connie Leslie, Don Liberto, George E. MacKay, Grace McDonald (as "Dolores Reynolds"), Ray McDonald, Duke McHale, Wynn Murray (as "Baby Rose, The Singer"), Fayard Nicholas (as "Irving DeQuincy"), Harold Nicholas (as "Ivor DeQuincy"), (credited as the Nicholas Brothers), Jean Owens, Audrey Palmer, Douglas Perry, Gedda Petry, Rolly Pickert, Aileen Poe, Robert Rounseville, Ursula Seiler, Jack Stanton, Eleanor Tennis, Davenie Watson, George Watts, Kenneth Wilkins. Production supervised and Produced by Dwight Wiman. Note: Filmed by MGM as Babes in Arms (1939) as a Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland vehicle.
- (1937) Stage Play: The Show is On. Musical revue [return engagement]. Sketches by David Freedman. "Mr. Gielgud Passes By" by Moss Hart. Music mostly by Vernon Duke. Lyrics mostly by Ted Fetter. Additional music by Hoagy Carmichael, Arthur Schwartz, George Gershwin, Harold Arlen, Herman Hupfeld, Will Irwin and Richard Rodgers. Additional lyrics by Stanley Adams, Howard Dietz, Ira Gershwin, E.Y. Harburg, Herman Hupfeld, Norman Zeno and Lorenz Hart. Music orchestrated by Gordon Jenkins. Additional orchestrations by Robert Russell Bennett and Hans Spialek. Production Design by Vincente Minnelli. Conducted by Gordon Jenkins. Conceived by Vincente Minnelli. Sketches directed by Edward C. Lilley. Choreographed by Robert Alton. "Casanova" choreographed by Harry Losee. Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Winter Garden Theatre: 16 Sep 1937- 2 Oct 1937 (17 performances). Cast: Marion Allen, Gene Ashley, Mildred Baker, Muriel Baker, Jack Barrett, Hazel Boffinger, Kenneth Bostock, Charles Bowers, Letitia Bring, Edward Browne, Mary Ann Carr, Andre Charise, Roy Cropper (as "Now" Performer/By Strauss" Performer), John Edwards, Hugh Ellsworth, John Englert, Jack Good, Jack C. Grey, Pearl Harris, Robert Herring, Eugene Howard, Willie Howard, Vivian Howe, Barbara Hunter, Rose King, Jerrie Koban, Terry Lawlor (as "The Show is On" Performer/"Now" Performer/"Casanova" Performer/"Long As You've Got Your Health" Performer/Eliza/Cakewalk/"By Strauss" Performer), Lyda Sue Leeds (as "What Has He Got?" Performer/"Long as You've Got Your Health" Dancer/"By Strauss" Dancer/"Little Old Lady" Performer"), Arnold Lenhart, Dave Mallen, Jack McCauley, John McCauley, Gertrude Medwin, Evelyn Mills, Jean Moorehead, Della Muir, Marion Murray, Gifford Nash, Paul Owen, Mischa Pompianov, Harry Rogue, Polly Rose, Richard Satterfield, Ruth Scheim, Clare Scott, Laurie Shevlin, Marcella Swanson, Peggy Thomas, Demetrios Vilan, Mildred Webb (as "Ophelia/Prologue/"Now" Dancer/The Modern Girl/Casanova"), Duke Williams, Chic York. Produced by Lee Shubert and J.J. Shubert.
- (1937) Stage Play: I'd Rather Be Right. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Material by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart. Material staged by George S. Kaufman. Modern dances staged by Ned McGurn. Choreographed by Charles Weidman. Alvin Theatre: (moved to The Music Box Theatre from 23 May 1938 to close): 2 Nov 1937- 9 Jul 1938 (290 performances). Cast: Joseph Allen Sr., David Allman, Florenz Ames (as "Henry B. Maxwell"), Al Atkins, Jack Barnes, Virginia Berger, Sol Black, Robert Bleck, Jeanette Bradley, Charles Bywater, Cecil Carey, Donald C. Carter, John Cherry, Ruth Clayton, George M. Cohan (as "The President of the United States"), Marie Louise Dana, Eleanor De Witt, Martin Fair, Bijou Fernandez (as "The Secretary of Labor"), Len Frank, Kate Frederic, John Fulco, Ralph Glover, Ruth Gormley, Joe Granville, Marion Green, Geraldine Hamilton, Edward Harrington, Joy Hodges (as "Peggy Jones"), Taylor Holmes, Robert Howard, Jay Hunter, Jack Kearney, Linda Kellogg, Georgette Lampsi, Jeanette Lee, Jack Leslie, Robert Less, Velma Lord, Joseph Macaulay, Lili Mann, William Marel, Austin Marshall, Irene McBride, Charles McLoughlin, John McQuade, Evelyn Mills, Jack Mills, Warren Mills, Marie Nash, Fred Nay, Austra Neiman, Paul Parks, Erminie Randolph, Jack Reynolds, Jane Richardson, Tina Rigat, Margaret Sande, Patsy Schenk, Betty Schlaffer, Clarise Sitomer, Bob Spencer, Emily Stephenson, Georgie Tapps, Beau Tilden, Norman Van Emburgh, Joe Verdi, Dorothy Waller, Mary Jane Walsh, Jack Whitney, Herbert Wood. Produced by Sam Harris. Note: The facts of this production were somewhat inaccurately depicted in Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942).
- (1938) Stage Play: I Married an Angel. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Based on material by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, from a Hungarian play by Johann Vaszary. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Musical Direction by Gene Salzer. Choreographed by George Balanchine. Stage Manager: Edward Mendelsohn. Assistant Stage Mgr: Edward Brinkman and Elwell Cobb [final Broadway credit]. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Directed by Joshua Logan. Cast: Dennis King, Vivienne Segal, Walter Slezak, Vera Zorina, Audrey Christie, Charles Walters, Milton Barnett, Edward Brinkmann, Boris Butleroff, Genevieve Cooke, Ronnie Cunningham, Hene Damur, Marion Davison, Janis Dremann, The Dunham Brothers, Althea Elder, Eleanor Fiata, Diana Gaylen, Petra Gray, Ruth Haidt, Harold Haskin, Marcella Howard, Bobby Howell, David Jones, Arthur Kent, Isabelle Kimpal, Nancy Knott, Evelyn Lafferty, Sonia Larina, Charles Laskey, Beatrice Lynn, Michael Mann, John Marshall, Marie Monnig, Gedda Petry (as "Lady of the Ballet"), Nicolai Popov, Marie Louise Quevli, Jack Quinn, Shirley F. Shaffer, Betty Jane Smith, Morton L. Stevens, Katherine Stewart, Sylvia Stone, Harold Taub, Barbara Towne, Ruth Urban, Nikolas Vasilieff, Alma Wertley, Virginia Williams. Produced by Dwight Wiman.
- (1938) Stage Play: The Boys from Syracuse. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Book by George Abbott. Based on the play "The Comedy of Errors" by William Shakespeare. Vocal arrangements by Hugh Martin. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Musical Director: Harry S. Levant. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Lighting Design by Jo Mielziner. Choreographed by George Balanchine. Directed by George Abbott. Alvin Theatre: 23 Nov 1938- 10 Jun 1939 (235 performances). Cast: Eddie Albert (as "Antipholus of Syracuse"), Grace Albert, Mickey Alvarez, Dolores Anderson, Muriel Angelus, Carroll Ashburn (as "Duke of Ephesus"), Libby Bennett, Marguerite Benton, Ruth Brady, Betty Bruce, Florine Callahan, Renee Cettel, George Church, John Clarke, Stella Clauson, Alice Craig, Betty De Elmo, Buddy Douglas, Clifford Dunstan, Florence Fair, Bee Farnum, Sidney Gordon, Ruth Gormly, Ronald Graham, Joseph Granville, Joseph Harris, Teddy Hart (as "Dromio of Ephesus"), Claire Harvey, Robert Howard, Burl Ives (as "Tailor's Apprentice"), Dan Karry, Laura Kellogg, Bob Lawrence, Lita Lede, Connie Leslie, Tom Lynch, Jack Malis, Owen Martin, Edwin Mills, Vivien Moore, Wynn Murray, John O'Shaughnessy, Harry Peterson, Jimmy Savo, Joseph Scandur, Byron Shores, Robert Sidney, Mildred Solly, Lee Tannen, Anna Mae Tesslo, Beau Tilden (as "Dancer"), Heidi Vosseler, Margaret Walsh, Davenie Watson, Marcy Wescott, Armonce Wilkins, James Wilkinson, Claire Wolf, Herbert Wood. Produced by George Abbott.
- (1939) Stage Play: Too Many Girls. Musical comedy. Material by George Marion Jr. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Musical Staging by Robert Alton. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Costume Design by Raoul Pene Du Bois. Directed by George Abbott. Imperial Theatre (moved to The Broadway Theatre from unknown date 1940- 18 Mar 1940): 18 Oct 1939- 18 May 1940 (249 performances). Cast: Desi Arnaz, Robert Arnold, Margorie Baglin, Sondra Barrett, Libby Bennett, John Beton, Betty Boyce, Eddie Bracken, Florine Callahan, Renee Cettel, Diosa Costello, Alice Craig, Betty De Elmo, Louise de Forrest, Romolo Di Spirito, Willis Duncan, Marge Ellis, Leila Ernst (as "Talullah Lou"), Vera Fern, Clyde Fillmore (as "Harvey Casey"), Vernon Hammer, Charlene Harkins, Bob Howard, Randolph Hughes, Harry Jackson, Clarence Jaeger, Van Johnson, Richard Kollmar (as "Clint Kelley"), Jeanette Lavis, Mildred Law, Lita Lede, Hal Le Roy (as "Al Terwillinger"), La Verne Lupton, Herb Lurie, James MacColl, William Mende, Russ Milton, Amarilla Morris, Mildred Patterson, Harry Pedersen, Dorothy Poplar, Edison Rice, Jack Riley, Hans Robert, Ivy Scott, Bob Shaw, Byron Shores, Diane Sinclair, Leonor Sola, Mildred Solly, Olga Suarez (as "Co-Ed"), Key Taylor, Anna Mae Tesslo, Mary Jane Walsh, Davenie Watson, Marcy Wescott, James Wilkinson, Claire Wolf, Harold Young. Produced by George Abbott. Note: Film version produced by RKO as Too Many Girls (1940) starring Lucille Ball and directed by George Abbott.
- (1940) Stage Play: Higher and Higher. Comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Material by Gladys Hurlbut and Joshua Logan. Based on an idea by Irving Pincus. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Choreographed by Robert Alton. Directed by Joshua Logan. Shubert Theatre: 4 Apr 1940- 15 Jun 1940 (84 performances). Cast: Ted Adair, June Allyson, Irene Austin, Jane Ball, Robert Chisholm, Eva Condon, Ronnie Cunningham, Sigrid Dagnie, Lee Dixon, Kay Duncan, Eleanor Eberle, Marta Eggert, Vera-Ellen, Leif Erickson, Cliff Ferre, Janet Fox, Miriam Franklin, William Geery, Joseph Granville, George Griffith, Jack Haley (as "Zachary Ash"), Bunnie Hightower, Louis Hightower, Gloria Hope, Marguerite James, Michael Moore, Richard Moore, Marie Nash, Frederic Nay, Fin Olsen, Kay Picture, Burton Pierce, Marie Louise Quevli, Jane Richardson, Harry Rogue, Shirley Ross, Joseph Scandur, Jack Seymour, Robert Shanley, Hollace Shaw, William Skipper [credited as Billy Skipper Jr.] (Broadway debut), Hilda Spong (as "Miss Whiffen"), Lyda Sue, Carl Trees, Jack Whitney, Billie Worth. Produced by Dwight Wiman.
- (1940) Stage Play: Higher and Higher. Comedy [return engagement]. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Material by Gladys Hurlbut and Joshua Logan. Based on an idea by Irving Pincus. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Choreographed by Robert Alton. Directed by Joshua Logan. Shubert Theatre: 5 Aug 1940- 24 Aug 1940 (24 performances). Cast: Ted Adair, Jane Ball, Robert Chisholm, Eva Condon, Sigrid Dagnie, Lee Dixon, Kay Duncan, Marta Eggert, Leif Erickson, Janet Fox, Joseph Granville, Miriam Franklin, William Geery, George Griffith, Jack Haley (as "Zachary Ash"), Gloria Hope, Richard Moore, Marie Nash, Frederic Nay, Fin Olsen, Marie Louise Quevli, Jane Richardson, Shirley Ross, Robert Rouseville, Joseph Scandur, Robert Shanley, Sharkey, Hollace Shaw, Hilda Spong (as "Miss Whiffen"), Lyda Sue, Carl Trees, Jack Whitney, Billie Worth. Produced by Dwight Wiman.
- (1940) Stage Play: Pal Joey. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Material by John O'Hara. Music orchestrated by Hans Spialek. Costume Design by John Koenig. Scenic Design and Lighting Design by Jo Mielziner. Choreographed by Robert Alton. Directed by George Abbott. Ethel Barrymore Theatre (moved to The Shubert Theatre from 1 Sep 1941 to 21 Oct 1941 then moved to The St. James Theatre from 21 Oct 1941 to close): 25 Dec 1940- 29 Nov 1941 (374 performances). Cast: Gene Kelly (as "Joey Evans") [final Broadway credit as an actor, subsequently replaced by George Tapps), Vivienne Segal (as "Vera Simpson"), Claire Anderson, Adrian Anthony, Sondra Barrett, John Benton, Jean Casto (as "Melba Snyder"), Milton Chisholm, John Clarke, Alice Craig, Louise de Forrest, Stanley Donen (as "Albert Doane/Dancer"), Clifford Dunstan, Jack Durant, Wnez Early, Leila Ernst, Jane Fraser, Tilda Getz, Charlene Harkins, Averell Harris, June Havoc (as "Gladys Bumps"), Henning Irgens, Van Johnson (as "Victor/Dancer"), Frances Krell, James Lane, Janet Lavis, Howard Ledig, June Leroy, Michael Moore, Amarilla Morris, Robert J. Mulligan, Olive Nicolson, Shirley Paige, Mildred Patterson, Dorothy Poplar, Nelson Rae, Edison Rice, Albert Ruiz, Diane Sinclair, Mildred Solly, Dummy Spelvin, Jeanne Trybom, Marie Vanneman, Jerry Whyte, Vincent York. Produced by George Abbott. Note: Filmed as Pal Joey (1957) by George Sidney Productions for Columbia Pictures.
- (1942) Stage Play: By Jupiter. Musical comedy. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Book by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers. Based on "The Warrior's Husband" by Julian F. Thompson. Musical Director: Johnny Green. Vocal arrangements by Johnny Green and Clay Warnick. Music arranged by Don Walker. Scenic Design by Jo Mielziner. Costume Design by Irene Sharaff. Lighting Design by Jo Mielziner. Choreographed by Robert Alton. Directed by Joshua Logan. Shubert Theatre: 3 Jun 1942- 12 Jun 1943 (427 performances). Cast: Margaret Bannerman, Bertha Belmore, Helen Bennett, Ray Bolger (as "Sapiens"), Ruth Brady, Martha Burnett, Irene Corlett, Betty Jo Creager, Mark Dawson, Bob Douglas, Ralph Dumke, Berni Gould, June Graham, Ronald Graham, Barbara Heath, Lewis Hightower, Robert Hightower, Flower Hujer, Rose Inghram, Kay Kimber, Ray Koby, Janet Lavis, Don Liberto, Michael Mann, Jane Manners, Tony Matthews, Virginia Meyer, Constance Moore, Margery Moore, Monica Moore, Mary Morris, Beth Nichols, Dorothy Poplar, Bobby Priest, Joyce Ring, Rosemary Sankey, George Schwalbe, William Silvers, Toni Stuart, Olga Suarez (as "Ensemble"), Maidel Turner (as "Caustica"), William Vaux, Benay Venuta, Vera-Ellen (as "Minerva, First Camp Follower"), Wana Wenerholm, Ken Whelan, Robert Wilson. Produced by Dwight Wiman and Richard Rodgers. Produced in association with Richard Kollmar.
- (1943) Stage Play: A Connecticut Yankee. Musical comedy (revival). Music by Richard Rodgers. Book by Herbert Fields. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart. Based on the novel by Mark Twain. Music orchestrated by Don Walker. Musical Director: George Hirst. Vocal arrangements by Buck Warnick. Choreographed by William Holbrook and Al White Jr. Scenic Design by Nat Karson. Directed by John C. Wilson. Martin Beck Theatre: 17 Nov 1943- 11 Mar 1944 (135 performances). Cast: Katherine Anderson, Mimi Berry, Dorothy Blute, Tad Bruce, Carole Burke, Buster Burnell, Robert Byrn, Stuart Casey, John Cherry, Robert Chisholm, Pittman Corry, Marjorie Cowen, Frank De Winters, Eleanor Eberle, Bee Farnum, Dick Foran (as "Lt. Martin Barrett, U.S.N."), Lester Freedman, Bob Gari, Virginia Gorski, Toni Hart, Vincent Henry, Craig Holden, William Hunter, Janet Joy, Hal Loman, William Lundy, Jack Lyons, Rose Marie Magrill, Frances Martone, Linda Mason, Mary McDonnell, Wayne McIntyre, Jere McMahon, Beth Nichols, Murnai Pins, Dorothy Poplar, Joyce Ring, Rosemary Sankey, Vivienne Segal (as "Lt. Fay Merrill, W.A.V.E./Queen Morgan Le Fay in the play"), Chester Stratton, Helen Vent, Vera-Ellen (as "Mistress Evelyn Al Belle-Ans in the play"), Julie Warren, Martha Emma Watson, Violetta Weems, Doris York. Produced by Richard Rodgers. Notes: (1) Lorenz Hart died in New York City 5 days into production run. (2) No attributed play-film link to the earlier Fox Film version The Yankee at King Arthur's Court (1931) or the later more celebrated Paramount Pictures production, A Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949).
- (2008 - 2009) Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers' musical, "The Boys from Syracuse", was adapted by David Bell and Keith Harrison Dworkin at the Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook, Illinois. David Bell was the musical director and choreographer.
- (March 1928) Conrad, Gus Kahn, Richard Rodgers and his musical, "The Girl Friend", was performed at the Grand Theatre in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England with Babette Odeal, Henry Lytton Jr., Cora Goffin, Arthur Riscoe and Charles Hanbury in the cast.
- (1954) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "Pal Joey", was performed at the Princes Theatre in London, England with Carol Bruce, Dick France and Arthur Lowe in the cast.
- (November 7, 1963) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "The Boy from Syracuse", was performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London, England with Bob Monkhouse, Ronnie Corbett and Denis Quilley in the cast.
- [Posthumous credit] Peg (1983). A Musical Autobiography. Book by Peggy Lee. New lyrics by Peggy Lee. New music by Paul Horner. Musical Director: Larry Fallon. Vocal arrangements by Ray Charles. Music orchestrated by Artie Butler, Larry Fallon [final Broadway credit], Dominic Frontiere, Bill Holman, Gordon Jenkins, Philip J. Lang, Johnny Mandel, Billy May, Leon Pendarvis, Don Sebesky, Larry Wilcox and Torrie Zito. Featuring "Fever" by Johnny Davenport and Eddie Cooley. Featuring "Goody, Goody" by Johnny Mercer and Matty Malneck. Featuring "Why Don't You Do Right?" by Joe McCoy. Featuring "I Don't Know Enough About You" and "It's A Good Day" by Dave Barbour. Featuring "Stay Away From Louisville Lou" by Jack Yellen and Milton Ager. Featuring "Lover" by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Featuring "Big Spender" by Dorothy Fields and Cy Coleman. Featuring "Is That All There Is?" by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. Scenic Design by Tom H. John. Costume Design by Florence Klotz. Lighting Design by Thomas Skelton. Sound Design by Jan Nebozenko. Sound Consultant: Phil Ramone. Directed by Robert Drivas. Lunt-Fontanne Theatre: 14 Dec 1983- 17 Dec 1983 (5 performances + 13 previews that began on 1 Dec 1983). Cast: Peggy Lee (as "Peggy Lee") [Broadway debut], Mary Sue Berry (as "Soprano I/Back-up Singer"), Steve Clayton (as "Tenor/Back-up Singer"), Doris Eugenio (as "Soprano II/Back-up Singer"), Rose Marie Jun (as "Alto/Back-up Singer"), Brian Quinn (as "Tenor/Back-up Singer"), David Vogel (as "Baritone/Back-up Singer"). Swings: D. Michael Heath, Ellen McLain. Produced by Zev Bufman, Marge Cowan, Irv Cowan and Georgia Frontiere.
- (1974) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "Pal Joey", was performed at the Northcott Theatre in Exeter, Devon, England with Steven Grives, Dilys Hamlett and Vincent Brimble in the cast. Clive Barker was the director.
- (1980) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "Pal Joey", was performed at the Albery Theatre in London, England with Denis Lawson and Siân Phillips in the cast.
- (July 1981) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "Pal Joey", was performed at the Albery Theatre in London, England with Denis Lawson and Siân Phillips in the cast.
- (June 1984) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "On Your Toes", was performed at the Palace Theatre in London, England with Natalia Makarova, Tim Flavin, Honor Blackman, John Bennett and Siobhan McCarthy in the cast. George Abbott was the director. George Balanchine was the choreographer.
- (March 1985) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "On Your Toes", was performed at the Palace Theatre in London, England with Honor Blackman, John Bennett, Doreen Wells, Tim Flavin and Siobhan McCarthy in the cast. George Abbott was the director. George Balanchine was the choreographer.
- (May 1985) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "On Your Toes", was performed at the Palace Theatre in London, England with Doreen Wells, Tim Flavin, Elspet Gray, John Bennett and Siobhan McCarthy in the cast. George Abbott was the director. George Balanchine was the choreographer.
- (June 1987) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "The Boys from Syracuse", was performed at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London, England with Geoffrey Cantor, Gregor McElvogue, Sean Hudson, Julian Silvester, Amanda Curry, Caoline Seed, Stephen Tompkinson and Laurence Kennedy in the cast. George Hall was the director.
- (1988) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "The Girl Friend", was performed at the Yvonne Arnaud Theater in Guildford, Surrey, England with Patrick Mower, Hugh Lloyd, Maxine Audley and Eileen Battye in the cast. Michael Winter was the director.
- (2012-2013 Season) Richard Rodgers and his musical, "Pal Joey," was performed at the Porchlight Music Theatre in Chicago, Illinois with Susie McMonagle and Callie Johnson in the cast. Michael Weber was director. Brenda Didier was choreographer. Bill Morey was costume designer.
- (May 9, 1999) Richard Rodgers, Moss Hart, George S. Kaufman and his musical, "I'd Rather Be Right," was performed at the Fortune Theatre in London, England with Christopher Key, Stewart Permutt, Anna Francolini, Kenneth Haigh, Richard Dempsey, James Vaughan, Harry Landis, Peter Gale, Myra Sands, and Clare Rayner in the cast.
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