David Herman(I)
- Actor
- Soundtrack
Comedian David Herman was born on February 20, 1967, in New York, New
York. He graduated from LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts
in 1985. He landed a role as one of the eight original cast members on the
late night Fox sketch comedy show MadTV (1995). After spending two full
seasons on the show, he left, as did most of the original cast. In 1997,
he began doing voicework on the Fox animated sitcom King of the Hill (1997), where he
met writer/director/actor Mike Judge. Judge was so impressed with Herman
he cast him in a supporting role as Michael Bolton in his
critically acclaimed, cult classic 1999 comedy, Office Space (1999). Also in 1999,
he began doing voices for the now-canceled Fox animated sitcom Futurama (1999).
He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, where he supplied voices for
King of the Hill (1997) and has had some supporting roles in movies.
TV Series
- Scruffy
- Larry
- Turanga Morris
- Dr. Ben Beeler
- Dr. Ogden Wernstrom
- Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer
- Roberto
- Terry
- Dwayne
- Warden Vogel
- Fatbot
- Leg Mutant
- Florp
- Lou
- Malfunctioning Eddie
- Bill Clinton's Head
- Breakdancing Teacher
- Director
- Doctor
- Dr. Banjo
- Fat-Bot
- Father Changstein El-Gamal
- Josh Gedgie
- Mayor Poopenmeyer
- Mugger
- Number Nine Man
- Sal's Friend
- Sergeant
- Slurm Vending Machine
- Slurms McKenzie
- Sweet Clyde
- The Colonel
- 'Shut up!'
- 1930's Policeman
- Abraham Lincoln Robot
- Adolf Hitler
- Alien Captain
- Alkazar
- Ambassador Moivin
- Amish Man
- Andrew Jackson's Head
- Andy Goldman
- Andy Warhol
- Angus #2
- Animatronio
- Anime Professor Farnsworth
- Art Garfunkel's Descendant
- Bear Biologist
- Benjamin Franklin
- Betamax Robot
- Bidder #2
- Biff
- Big-Eared Mutant
- Bigfoot
- Blek
- Bob Dole's Head
- Bongo Player
- Broken Bot #3
- Broken Robot #5
- Bureaucrat 74
- Captain Lando Tucker
- Car Salesman
- Casting Director
- Caveman
- Chairman Koji
- Chester A. Arthur's Head
- Chinese Caterpillar Alien
- Cigar Store Clerk
- Clerk
- Clyde Smith
- Commemorative Turkey Baster Salesman
- Crow T. Robot
- Cryogenics Caretaker
- Cyclops with Telescope
- Darth Trocious
- David Farnsworth
- Dean Vernon
- Decapodian Leader
- Decapodian Man
- Decapodian Welcomer
- Devil Tattoo
- Doingg
- Dr. BenBeeler
- Dr. Daniel Zenus
- Dr. Tenderman
- Dr. Veins McGee
- Egg Salesman
- Elton John
- Elves
- Emperor Chop Chop
- Emperor Nikolai
- Execubot Alpha
- Executive Alpha
- Falaffel Salesman
- Fat Man at Gym
- Father
- Fishy Joe's Employee
- Flashbot
- Frank
- General
- General Colin Pac-Man
- Gnarlo
- Grade #20 Bureaucrat
- Green Elder
- Habitat Alien #1
- Hair-bot
- Hairbot
- Hand in Puppet
- Helmut Spargle
- High Priest
- Homeless Robot #1
- Homeopathic Doctor
- Horse d'Oeuvres Salesman
- Infosquito
- Infyrno Fest Host
- Janos
- Jewish Robot
- John Hancock
- John Steinbeck's Head
- János
- Killbot #1
- King of Space
- Kirk
- Klaus Mandela
- Langdon Cobb
- Larvae Levin
- Laser-eyed Bureaucrat
- Llamasil
- Mad Hatter Bot
- Mad Hatter Robot
- Man at Delivery Address
- Man in Chatroom
- Man in Commercial #2
- Man in Street
- Master Fnog
- Maxwell's Demon
- Mayor C. Randall Poopenmayer
- Mexican #1
- Monk #2
- Moon Patrol
- Moose
- Moriarty
- Mumbles
- Namgyal
- Nappster Owner
- Nappster Salesman
- Nazi #2
- Ned Farnsworth
- Niedermeyer
- No. 1.0
- Osiran
- Osiran Slavemaster
- Paco
- Patchcord Adams
- Paul Revere
- Pazuzu
- Pet Shop Clerk
- Pet Show Judge
- Pianist
- Pickles
- Planet Express
- Presenter
- Professor Geology
- Professor Ogden Wernstrom
- Project Satan
- Prospector
- Protestor
- Purple Heart Sergeant
- Queequeg
- Randy's Partner
- Ranger Park
- Referee
- Robot Bouncer
- Robot Coming Leaving Theatre #2
- Robot Crowd
- Robot Doorman #2
- Robot Elder #3
- Robot General
- Robot Judge
- Robot Mayor
- Robot Villager #2
- Robot at Human Hunt
- Robot at Stock Market
- Robot in Jury #1
- Robotic Juror
- Rock Alien
- Sal's Friend #2
- Scientist
- Scientist #2
- Sean
- Shazam
- Shrimp
- Shrimpkin Priest
- Skier
- Snack Clerk
- Soap Opera Priest
- Spa 5 Leader
- Space Bee #4
- Sweet Clyde Dixon
- Tandy
- Technician
- That Guy
- The Foreigner
- The Huge Brain
- The Infosphere
- The Lord Mayor of Cologne
- The Lord Mayor of Colon
- The Number 9 Man
- The Pain Monster
- Train Captain
- Tree
- Trek Fan #2
- Tube User
- Tudor
- Unfrozen Man
- Vet Jeffrey Grant
- Veterinarian
- Video Rental Store Clerk
- Waiter
- Weapons Shop Clerk
- Welshie
- Whale Biologist
- Worms
- Xenotaphian
- Year 10,000 Man(voice)