TV Series
- Toony the Tuna
- Sventoonie
- Toony the Talking Tuna (2020 airing)
- Toony the Talking Tuna (2021 airing)
TV Series
- Toony the Tuna
- Mr. Quizzer
- Bill's Dad
- Det. Abouttoretire
- Teddy Roosevelt
- Benny the IT Feller
- Felton Fanboy
- Al B. Quirky
- Mel Attonin
- Shaddup
- Dr. Abramowicz
- Samuel Q. Steamboat
- Pop Quizzer
- Flex Armswrong
- Garth R. Fonzasmelly
- Bash Hashtag
- Chris P. Catfish
- Greg Bossy
- Roger Shaddup
- Toony The Tuna
- Jump Jefferson
- Phil Fill
- Sal Fresco
- Sventoonie
- Hack Frost
- Safety Dan
- Bread
- Cubie Tickler
- Det. About To Retire
- Dino
- Hoppin' John
- Leprecant
- Mr. Grudge
- Poindexter Aliennabber
- Sam Q. Steamboat
- Sherman Lurman
- The Scientish
- Benny the I.T. Feller
- Capt. Abouttoretire
- Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt
- Hy Gene
- Hy Gene the Hygiene Genie
- Mickey Tool
- Phil Hill
- Richmond E. Moneybags
- Safety Dan #1
- Scientish
- Sheriff Bear L. Mann
- St. Anthony
- The Sham Rock
- The Shamrock
- Thick Van Dyke
- Thunnus
- 'Big Tex' Brine
- Al Banany
- Auto Pound Clerk
- Bill Toony
- Bobby Kadamaquadi
- Boston Billy
- Burt Reynolds
- Chester
- Chet Letcher
- Chi-Toony
- Chicago Toony
- Dean Tenured
- Det. AboutToRetire
- Det. Abouttaretire
- Det. Abouttogoholmes
- Dino the Tuna
- Director
- Dos Largas Barbas Member
- Dr. Buck Terium
- Felton's Mom
- Freaky Grouper
- Fred
- Fred From Albuquerque
- Game Show Announcer
- Gene the Hygiene Genie
- Grand Inquizzitor
- Groom
- Hog
- Hortensio
- Hue Grant
- Jack
- Jack the Pancake Troll
- Kale
- Kenny Rogers
- King Neptune
- Lep
- Lep The Lepre-Cant
- Lepre-Can't
- Lepri-cant
- Lorna's Dad
- Magical O'Bread Bois
- Man Wearing Barrel
- Man in Towel
- Moondoggy
- Morning Show Host
- Mothman
- Mr Quizzer
- Mr. Bobble
- Mr. Gio the Singing Juggler
- Mr. Quizzin'
- Narrator
- Nigel Funk
- Ocean Nova Scotian
- Ohio Voice
- Oldest Man Alive
- Prime Minister of Canada
- Quiz-Bot 1999
- Quiz-bot 1999
- Robert Kadamaquadi
- Ruddy Weaver
- Safety Dan #2
- Safety Dan 1
- Sam Q. Snowplow
- Sham Opal
- Sockeye Toony
- Sports VO Announcer
- Squibby
- Stan Dupp
- Stern Man
- The Owner
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Thunnus The Tuna
- Toe-ny the Toe-na
- Tüüni
- Velcho Bromova
- William DeVein
- Yakov Smirnoff