Emily Taheny
- Actress
- Writer
- Music Department
Emily Taheny is known for Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell (2012), The Jesters (2009) and Plausible Deniability (2023).
TV Series
- Draymella Burt
- Maggie Bathysphere
- Lois Price
- Emily Taheny
- Woman in Audience
- Jelly Cannister
- Vaguary Bellchamber
- Bovina Jhizquax
- Concretia Doily
- Mary-Brett Punish
- Spakfilla Vole
- Rosemary Kipflers
- Vera
- Evadne Sideburns
- Phryne Fisher
- Chief
- Crystal
- Prisecco Mule
- Clockwork Satirists Performer
- Fabiana Bastian
- Pansy Galileo
- Thumbelina Stent
- 4 Ballast Panellist
- Biro Prance
- Cindy
- Coriander Tuesday
- Ita Buttrose
- Jana Nine Bottles
- Jana Ninebottles
- Jasmine
- Maureen
- Syncopated Rhythms
- Toungie McCarport
- ABC Shop Worker
- Annabel Crabb
- Annapurna Hieroglyph
- Anne
- Bernina Puff
- Cindy Gohighly
- Cleaning Lady
- Consuela Manatee
- Cop
- Daughter
- Desiree Fulton
- Ellen
- Evadne Sidebottom
- Evagnie Sideburns
- Hivemindfulness Host
- Madonna Flan
- Musical Interlude Performer
- Sarah Ferguson
- Sister Julienne
- Tia
- Various Characters
- Winsome Abergeldie
- 4 Balance Guest
- ABC Announcer
- AWU Representative
- Alma Fish
- Angry Parent
- Angus Taylor's Brain
- Anita Cant
- Antiques Roadshow
- Arabelle Crouton
- Australian Soldier
- Automata Bethlehem
- Bain-Marie Spasm
- Ballet Dancer
- Banquo Clutterbuck
- Barbara
- Bathazar Fruchoc
- Bavina Jixwax
- Becky
- Belinda
- Beryl Sleaze-Stack
- Bethany Drogmueller
- Betty
- Betty Bronte
- Beverly Nice
- Bianca
- Bin Laden's Neighbour
- Bizarro Draymella Burt
- Blap Contortion
- Blather Contestant
- Blinkia Mushroom
- Brantley Patel
- Bridget McKenzie
- Briony
- Briony Cronut
- Briony Lido Shuffle
- Bruella
- Busy Mum
- Call Girl With a Heart of Steel
- Candy Leech
- Carribunga Moon
- Celia Woodbine
- Chalomile Splash
- Charliana Striptank
- Chi-Chi Mozilla
- Chicalydia Rollins
- Child Sponsoring Agent
- Chris
- Chunketta Tongue
- Cindy Wicket-Palaver
- Claire Bonkers
- Clatty Finnegan
- Climate Change Authority Worker
- Clive
- Clockwork Movement Ensemble
- Cockney
- Coco Bloodnut
- Connie
- Coral Tunt
- Coralie
- Covid Testee
- Cribbage Child
- Cynthia Marmaduke
- Dagskay Lushbuster
- Dame Gwen Mackie
- Davida Plump
- Dawn Qamgie
- Deleanora Spanx
- Denise Axelknight
- Denise Cattermole
- Denise Quoll
- Dentist's Client
- Derica Boing
- Desiree
- Didi Dofnut
- Dimity Flickart
- Diner Waitress
- Dolly Levi
- Dolores Del Rio
- Dr. Hannibal Chew
- Drug User
- Eavesdropper
- Ejaculon Squat
- Emily
- Engelbertha Stain
- Enid Swink's Partner
- Esther Korg
- Evadne Longbottom
- Fashion Commentator
- Flu Sufferer
- Fontina Malamar
- Forgo Sarasong
- Fran Hunt-Botham
- Francie Shunt
- Fraser Anning Fan
- Gay March's Daughter
- Gemma Peadie
- Gemma Peedi
- Gemma Peedy
- Generica Lump
- Gerry O'Baby
- Giggle Pathogen
- Ginny Boem
- Gonski 2.0 Fan
- Government Handmaid
- Grunt's Wife
- Guidimia Forrest
- Gwen
- Hazel Darcy
- Heather Snapp
- Hectorina Gradient
- Hecuba Probable
- Heidi Tandbourg
- Henry Edmonds
- Herbal Therapist
- Herbalist
- Hermione Gingold
- Hilary Edmonds
- Hivemindfulness Panellist
- Holden Factory Worker
- Humid Pouch
- Hypothetical Horse
- Ice Hockey Player
- Iona Presentation
- It's Time Singer
- Jelly Roll Mephisto
- Jemima Antifreeze
- Jezebel Scream
- Jill
- Jill from Publicity
- Joan
- Jonquil Fan
- Julia Morris
- Kaitlin's Sister
- Katarina Rot
- Kath Moist
- Kebabs O'Lordy
- Kim Wilcox
- Kimberly
- Kitty Flanagan
- Koralie Volgate
- Kudimia Forrest
- Labour Spokesperson
- Lady Gwendolyn Smellington
- Lady Kerr
- Lady in Audience
- Lampray Eel
- Lauralei from Bunnings
- Leonie Thelonely
- Libby Vagery
- Liesl Prone
- Lily Dwarf-Planet
- Lolinda Sasssoon
- Lou Lou Marou
- Luiza Zit
- M'Legge Sidekick
- Madeleine
- Madeline Stove
- Mafdalina Kovak
- Manger Dweller
- Maria Nirvan-Stool
- Marie Volting
- Marion Kind
- Marise Payne
- Martha
- Mary
- Maureen Tooth
- McDonald's Worker
- Media Watch Voice
- Melanie Tussock
- Melinda
- Midwife
- Mike
- Milk Subject
- Minister's Aide
- Miss Marple
- Monkey
- Moonlight Sonata
- Mrs Cattermole
- Mrs Crayon
- Mrs Grimaldi
- Mrs Jimbo
- Mrs Lewey
- Mrs Petrov
- Mrs. Sideburns
- Mum
- Muriel Cancer
- Myfawny
- Myrtle
- Nathan Plugg
- Nellie Pickles
- Nice-One Johnson
- Nortie McBride
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nurse Franklin
- One on One Subject
- Ovace Tripleaction
- Pam Crouton
- Paramore Quilt
- Patient
- Pauline O'Grady
- Penny
- Plastic Russell
- Porridge Box Customer
- Posey MacLofty
- Prince Edward Doco
- Professor Arcadian
- Prostitute
- Protester
- Queen Victoria
- Ramone
- Reporter
- Ricky Muir's Adviser
- Rosemary Kifflers
- Roxette Mooncandle-Mime
- Roz
- Sabbath Wiig
- Salvation Army Representative
- Salvation Army Soldier
- Same Sex Marriage Ad
- Sandy
- Saucy Naval Officer
- Scientist
- Scomomix Demonstrator
- Security Guard
- Senate Voting Rules Narrator
- Sharon
- Sharon Theodopolopodous
- Shazza
- Shazza Scruff-Markham
- Simper Virile
- Sister Winifred
- Social Commentator
- Some Lady
- Sophie Marabella
- Sprod Subject
- Susie
- Swink Colleague
- Sybil Fawlty
- Sydney Trains Spokesperson
- Tattoo Customer
- Terri Dredge
- This Ole House Host
- Toastid Bayovim
- Tobina Crestfallen
- Toni
- Travel Agent
- Trudy Progrock
- Tuffy Speculum
- Tuna Best
- Typhoid Mary
- Ugo Mulehubris
- Ulna
- Ursary Bumble
- Vana Carpathian
- Vandebilt Fountain
- Vauguary Bellchamber
- Veigh Burgle
- Virologist
- WWII Soldier
- Wendy Woggle
- Wife
- Woman Bringing a Tape
- Woman Playing the Slap
- Woolworths Worker
- WorkSafe Ad Worker
- Xan-Xe (Squeal)
- Xanthe Kalamazoo
- Young Martha
- Young Mother
- Youth Panellist
- Zamilla
- Zamilla Bang
- Zapf Dingbats
- Zemilla
- Zinny
- Zorba Dreadnought
- ita Buttrose