Jacob Narayan
- Producer
- Actor
- Executive
Jacob Narayan grew up around Aspen, served an LDS Mission in London, then settled in Los Angeles for a season where he booked starring roles and scenes with Kate Hudson, Micheal Keaton, and Eric Roberts. As an Executive Producer Jacob successfully raised money for a feature film about collegiate wrestling champion Anthony Robles (produced by Ben Affleck & Matt Damon). And has developed a Media Fund to champion the Charleston Church Shooting story with the support of Denzel & Pauletta Washington. His mission is to see that a feature film about the life of Joseph Smith comes to light in his lifetime.
Jewish author Harold Bloom, wrote:
"Joseph Smith was an authentic religious genius, unique in our national history. Where in all of American history can we find his match? In proportion to his importance and his complexity, he remains the least-studied personage, of an undiminished vitality, in our entire national saga. There is no other figure remotely like him in our national history and it is unlikely that anyone like him ever can come again. So rich and varied a personality, so vital a spark of divinity, is almost beyond the limits of the human, as normally we construe those limits. We do not know Joseph Smith. He requires strong poets, major novelists, accomplished dramatists, to tell his history, and they have not yet come to him."
Jewish author Harold Bloom, wrote:
"Joseph Smith was an authentic religious genius, unique in our national history. Where in all of American history can we find his match? In proportion to his importance and his complexity, he remains the least-studied personage, of an undiminished vitality, in our entire national saga. There is no other figure remotely like him in our national history and it is unlikely that anyone like him ever can come again. So rich and varied a personality, so vital a spark of divinity, is almost beyond the limits of the human, as normally we construe those limits. We do not know Joseph Smith. He requires strong poets, major novelists, accomplished dramatists, to tell his history, and they have not yet come to him."