- Is known for having a quick temper and getting into verbal altercations with people in online forums, even for minor disagreements, and if the forum is his, he will ban members outright.
- After posting a "joke" tweet stating he wanted to chain a female fellow reviewer up in his basement & rape her on Twitter, Channel Awesome suspended him from posting on their site for five months. Over the course of several days Antwiler continued to tweet out outrageous things, even asking for his penis to be cut off. Antwiler was terminated shortly after weeks into his suspension, though it is still unclear for what reason. Antwiler himself has said on twitter he was fired for the rape tweet but has also said in an audio commentary he was not fired for that reason but because of money issues he had with Channel Awesome. Antwiler has never given a clear reason why he was fired (and has even said he was never fired but that he quit on some occasions). Channel Awesome has never commented on the issue publicly, never stating if Antwiler was fired or if he quit nor giving a reason for Antwiler no longer being a member of their site. Due to the silence on Channel Awesome's part and the conflicting statements from Antwiler himself there is still much rumor & speculation on what really happened.
- An image of him is seen briefly in the music video for "Break Me" by Australian rock group The Irresponsibles as he used the song as his intro theme on his series.
- Fan of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (1988). It was the origin for his show, "The Spoony Experiment".
- Suffers from heart disease called vasodepressor syncope.
- Suffers from Bipolar 2 Disorder.
- Is a huge fan of Action film star Reb Brown.
- Has a degree in Computer Science from Arizona State College.
- Is a huge fan of 'Spider-man' and has been reading the comics since he was a kid. He is an avid comic book collector.
- Had a girlfriend named Scarlett, who donated the comic "Scarlett #1" to Noah's friend Lewis Lovhaug, who hosts "Atop The Fourth Wall", on which Antwiler frequently guest stars.
- Favorite movie is Big Trouble in Little China (1986).
- Is an avid fan of roll playing games.
- Has a brother named Miles.
- Is a huge fan of Warren Ellis and J. Michael Straczynski.
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