I first saw Mork and Mindy when I was about five and thought it was the funniest thing on earth. I would even sit on my head like Mork did and I had some of the Mork toys too.
So it's obvious I would grab this DVD box set as soon as it came out. And is Mork and Mindy as good today as it was back then? Of course! In fact it might be even better coz when you compare it to modern sitcoms M&M has more integrity as Robin Williams and Pam Dawber seem to be performing to a much rawer audience with more theatrical performances.
Robin Williams is just completely crazy as Mork (from Ork), an alien sent to Earth to investigate our strange customs and report back telepathically to Orson, his boss. Mindy is the girl he meets who gives him a home in her attic, much to the annoyance of her cynical dad. And, trust me, you can clearly see that Robin Williams often gives up the script to manically ad-lib his own madness while Pam Dawber runs after him, desperately trying to keep the show under control. It's so cool in certain moments when they're close together during a manic moment and she's looking into his eyes in amazement, petrified at what he's about to do next. He would also go crazy off-stage in an effort to distract Dawber when she had a scene on her own.
Supporting characters are also cool. Mr Bickley, Mindy's dad and grandma, Eugene and the outrageous Exidor all grab as much attention as they can whenever Williams isn't going mental. David Letterman, Dana Hill, Tammy Lauren, Morgan Fairchild, Penny Marshall and Geoffrey Lewis show up in cameos too. Plus Fonzie is the first episode (a flashback to Mork's first ever appearance in Happy Days).
There are NO FEATURES AT ALL on the DVDs. Which is annoying seeing as how this time I would have liked to have seen stuff. But I'm just glad to have it. Hey, Paramount, give us Season 2 NOW!!! The show is presented in 1.33:1 full frame, as originally shot. And for a 27 year old show it looks great with very little in the way of print damage or grain. The sound is plain old mono but it's fine for what it is.
You MUST buy.