As a devoted rec.arts.animation reader, I don't believe I've ever read a single positive comment about "Sabrina: The Animated Series". Although being 21 and watching a series about a junior high schooler with magic powers is a bit embarassing to admit, "Sabrina" is one of the few animated series I watch regularly and the only series that doesn't center around action/adventure. Despite a tremendous number of episodes that have been written -- 65 episodes as I write this, and presumably still more are in production -- the show is and consistent in quality and avoids being overly repetitive, despite somewhat frequent recycling of plots. It's one of just a few cartoons that has made me laugh out loud. Although the animation is a little on the simple side, the style reflects the light, fun energy of the writing. I would hardly consider it to be the best animated series currently on the air, but I find "Sabrina" to be quite entertaining. It clearly seems to be geared towards upper elementary/early junior high students. Younger children probably won't find it very appealing, but aside from the junior set, "Sabrina" comes recommended.