Let me start off by saying that I am not normally a fan of crude adult humor. I did, however, thoroughly enjoy this live pantomime. Some funny stuff indeed, and the energy is elevated by the laughter of a live crowd.
Some of the funniest parts are the 'goofs' in which you can't help but wonder if they were scripted. This live show gets better as it moves smoothly along. Aided by the smooth style of Jim Davidson(as 'Buttons)and the 'dry' acting of Charles Drake('Baron van Hard-on'). The first shots of Dianne Lee as Sinderella seem a little silly and maybe even awkward, but after a short while I really began to warm up to her 'Giggly' Dialogue. By the end of the show she was most definitely a star! This show has some great one-liners that are sure to stick with me for a while yet.
This is also, by far, Davidson's best show. Well worth a look!