Many people put this legend of zelda game down and say that it is not innovative, I really am not in a position to comment on that since the only Zelda games I've played were Ocarina and Twilight Princess, and I see a formula created by Ocarina prefected by Twilight Princess and the genius developers down at Nintendo. As with all Zelda games, you start slow, and continue to work your way up with the never ending plot twists. The controls work perfectly on the Wii version, and the sounds coming out of the wii remote just add extra immersion. The music is the same Zelda music that has been praised by everyone around the globe. Ocarina of Time was the best reviewed game of ALL TIME (, and using a winning formula is not a bad thing. Twilight Princess has beautiful artistic perspective, and one of the best looking GAmecube games to date (even the Wii version was developed on the GAmecube, so they count as gamecube graphics). There is nothing more fun than shooting an arrow all the way across hyrule field, then riding your horse trying to find it again. With award winning sound and gameplay, the most in depth plot, great graphics, great artistic perspective, over 60 hours of gameplay, and a character that never talks, The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is sure to bring enjoyment to any gamer who appreciates games for what they are, an art.