I know many who would not manage this. It is literally in-your-face. It is raw, mad, provocative, ugly and very, hideously familiar. The audience is not let off. The few audience members who end up on stage are put through the ringer and it is bad. Very bad. Inappropriately bad. Unforgivably bad. And yet, the whole issue of consent is dealt with right at the beginning. Nobody knows what they have signed up for, Nate is a loose canon and anything that can happen does.
Funny thing is, at the end I cried. I cried properly. I cried for men and women and myself. I cried for Natalie Palmides and for Nate and for the whole audience. Because even when this stuff is laugh-out-loud funny, it tears you to pieces, and reminds you how deep the mess we are in really is.
Don't say I didn't warn you, but Nate is compulsory viewing.