This is the second Snow White adaptation released this year except this one is designed as an action, adventure. Both are not quite outstanding but they gave some interesting twists to the story. Unfortunately, there is something gold about this but it cares too much to the visuals than anything else. There are also scenes that are taken from other fantasy, epic movies. It's good looking, but good looking is not always enough.
The twist is pretty interesting. The Evil Queen's tragic past, more significance to The Huntsman, turning Snow White into a gritty protagonist. Though the dwarfs are the same in Tarsem Singh's version. These elements could have made this a memorable and fresh adaptation, but they just threw these things to the film lazily. The plotting is mediocre which made the second act a bit boring. The action is nothing but looking good. It looks fascinating but you'll rarely see a real fight.
You already know what Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth will do but the audiences are more interested to Charlize Theron's performance. She sort of hammed it up when in rage but she does it pretty well in the rest. Another attraction to this is the visuals. Like I said, it's too pretty. It's never wrong for the visuals to be pretty especially to a film called Snow White. It's too pretty, they already careless about the plot. Decided to choose the generic way. Heroes meeting new friends, settle down, fight, settle down. Just waiting for the climax to come without any much development.
I'm starting to think when I first saw it, it's like Ridley Scott's Robin Hood. It's an old tale with a charismatic protagonist turned into a gritty one, but this one is a bit different. It refuses to be gritty and wants to be pretty and generic. The real action is few, the effect of drama is limited. The visuals can be spellbinding but anything else is just empty. There is a good story in the film but it's told in a generic way with a generic plot and filled with stuff that is borrowed from other films. One might enjoy it by its looks but if you care for more than that then it will be unsatisfying. Snow White and the Huntsman can be part of those clichéd modern fantasy movies like Clash of the Titans, Conan The Barbarian, and Immortals. But at least this film is the best of its kind. It's not bad nor good. It's just a waste of potential of a new good film.