I could probably write a whole lot of stuff about this movie that everyone else might talk about, but I won't. I'll tell you about one thing I liked. About a boy was really strange to me before hand. I had no idea what it was going to be about, but it was a free ticket so I decided to go and see it. I was surprised to see Nick Hornby's name in the credits. I knew he was a book writer who was very good so I was quite pleased when I read his name.
What I found that made the film good was that it was like watching a book. Yes, watching a book. There was clever use of voice over in certain points to put across what the character involved might be thinking. Normally their thoughts were rather funny as they contradicted what was being said. That was one point of this film that I enjoyed.
But, hey don't take my word for it. Go and see it yourself. The world of cinema would be a boring place if everyone listened to critics. Oh what am I saying? A lot of people do listen to critics.
I give it 7 out of 10. Enjoyable movie which made me laugh and smile, therefore it did it's job.
What I found that made the film good was that it was like watching a book. Yes, watching a book. There was clever use of voice over in certain points to put across what the character involved might be thinking. Normally their thoughts were rather funny as they contradicted what was being said. That was one point of this film that I enjoyed.
But, hey don't take my word for it. Go and see it yourself. The world of cinema would be a boring place if everyone listened to critics. Oh what am I saying? A lot of people do listen to critics.
I give it 7 out of 10. Enjoyable movie which made me laugh and smile, therefore it did it's job.