This was a great show that displayed a lot of talented individuals, had music that did not need to be as good as it was for a show on PBS kids, and had always funny and interesting story lines. The aesthetic is nostalgic, perfectly encapsulating the look of the late 2000s-early 2010s. It's an amazing show. Even the animations, of which there were many, were really good and well made. This show is a piece of art, and I plan to show it to my potential future kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. I think this show is hugely responsible for my pursuit of art and taste in music. The only complaint is that this show has a serious Lin-Manuel Miranda infestation. Luckily, he is not a part of the main cast, but makes far too many cameos. It is an unfortunate reality that this rat has managed to wriggle his way into many otherwise amazing pieces of television and film. That said, it still gets a 9 out of 10 for me, missing only one point due to LMR.
Review of The Electric Company
The Electric Company
Would be 10 if it weren't infested with Lin-Manuel Miranda
12 January 2025