It's important that Paul Schrader put 'American' in his title. This isn't just something to make it a title that is easily recognizable or to know what country it's from. It's about an American state of being, what it is to be a gigolo who likes swanky suits and fast cars and, well, the women he gets what he has to work for. But what happens when this man's reputation is called into question, or what kind of reputation a gigolo has? Politics also comes into it, not too oddly enough, as Julian (Richard Gere) catches the eye of a woman who is married to a Senator. That the movie is technically a murder mystery, sort of, as Julian is accused of killing a woman who he had seen previously as a 'fetish' customer, is almost besides the point. It is good for the plot, but what Julian has to focus on, the big question for him, is what is he doing with himself? How do other people look at him?
He makes himself a sex symbol, of sorts, as he works out religiously and always gets the best clothes (like a peacock perhaps). Schrader puts a lot of focus on the relationship Julian has with Michelle, who genuinely cares about him and is probably the only person he knows who is straight with him (certainly not the pimp played by Bill Duke, or his mentor who has her own gaggle of men and women to 'send out'). Of course sexuality plays into it, but I liked the fact that Schrader didn't focus squarely on it. He's interested in some of the mechanics of it (there's a scene where Julian/Michele do it, but it's shot much in the way of Godard's A Married Woman, lots of single shots of body parts, some flesh, but selective eroticism), and then, mostly, the consequences.
But, again, the look of the film should be an indicator. This is Los Angeles of 1979/1980, but it portends the future decade not just in the city but in the kind of middle-upper (or just upper) class lifestyle of expensive restaurants, good drinks, good clothes, and sometimes good women (or just lonely older women). Schrader even has a way of looking ahead to the future with Giorgio Moroder's score, which takes Blondie's "Call Me" and turns it into a synth score full of dread and mystery and drama. On top of how the look, its stylish exteriors and careful lighting (the Bruckheimer look before Tony Scott took it over with smoke machines), and the depth of the script, Gere is also fantastic here. He was on a roll right after Days of Heaven, and here he lights up the screen with charisma, pathos, intensity, and a sense of where to take the scenes where they need to be.
He, much like the environment around him, makes up what is the backdrop for a tale of morality in high society, hypocrisy where it may lay in the highs and lows, and what it means to fall in love. The only part it doesn't fully work is as a full-fledged thriller (again, the murder-mystery element is the weakest link), but everything else sparks the screen with interest and excitement.
He makes himself a sex symbol, of sorts, as he works out religiously and always gets the best clothes (like a peacock perhaps). Schrader puts a lot of focus on the relationship Julian has with Michelle, who genuinely cares about him and is probably the only person he knows who is straight with him (certainly not the pimp played by Bill Duke, or his mentor who has her own gaggle of men and women to 'send out'). Of course sexuality plays into it, but I liked the fact that Schrader didn't focus squarely on it. He's interested in some of the mechanics of it (there's a scene where Julian/Michele do it, but it's shot much in the way of Godard's A Married Woman, lots of single shots of body parts, some flesh, but selective eroticism), and then, mostly, the consequences.
But, again, the look of the film should be an indicator. This is Los Angeles of 1979/1980, but it portends the future decade not just in the city but in the kind of middle-upper (or just upper) class lifestyle of expensive restaurants, good drinks, good clothes, and sometimes good women (or just lonely older women). Schrader even has a way of looking ahead to the future with Giorgio Moroder's score, which takes Blondie's "Call Me" and turns it into a synth score full of dread and mystery and drama. On top of how the look, its stylish exteriors and careful lighting (the Bruckheimer look before Tony Scott took it over with smoke machines), and the depth of the script, Gere is also fantastic here. He was on a roll right after Days of Heaven, and here he lights up the screen with charisma, pathos, intensity, and a sense of where to take the scenes where they need to be.
He, much like the environment around him, makes up what is the backdrop for a tale of morality in high society, hypocrisy where it may lay in the highs and lows, and what it means to fall in love. The only part it doesn't fully work is as a full-fledged thriller (again, the murder-mystery element is the weakest link), but everything else sparks the screen with interest and excitement.