First off, I would like to reiterate a little bit of what other people are saying, this movie is nothing like the typical Friday night flick. When most people think of a Liam Neeson movie, they think of a B.A. action packed movie where Neeson is almost emotionless. This movie however showed a completely different side to Neeson's typical character and in fact opened him up to a new genre of actors. Yes, in this movie there is a lot of swearing, (over 150 F words used) but please be realistic when you judge that, because in a real survival situation with drillers, you are not going to be watching your mouth. I felt everything in the movie was not out of the ordinary, but in fact easily relatable to anyone who has been lost in the wilderness for more than a few hours. Another key factor that added to the movie was that the characters truly played their roles well. Each character started off as a callous strong-headed jerk, but as the movie progresses, they finally start to break down and realize the situation. This movie I believe was a true thriller, but no way whatsoever a positive movie, it is filled with constant death, mutilation, and vulgar scenes most parents would not want their kids seeing, so the age limit is probably 16+ minimum. Now onto the reasons I didn't like the movie. Well first off, we all know this movie is about some survivors being hunted by wolves, but I just felt as if the movie was dragged on a little longer than it should have been which in turn can make it a little redundant. I mean anyone who has seen a horror movie would be able to predict which character was going to die at each point. I felt as if some of the death scenes were as unoriginal as a, "Your mom joke" but keep in mind I say some not all. The second reason that prevents a higher score for this movie is the fact that although you did learn a little bit about the people, you never really had a connection with any of them. There was no single person that you could truly describe with confidence, and made it so they were all mysterious. Even Neeson, the main character, you never find out what happened to his wife, or why in the beginning he was depressed. Now finally, contrary to the vague descriptions on the people, there was also a question on the story line. For example, what was it that caused the airplane to go down? This was what annoyed me the most. You see Neeson sleeping at one moment and then the next the plane is in half and hurling towards the ground. I feel that we should have been shown exactly what happened and why they plane is just disassembling in mid air. However, I am not saying this is a bad movie, I personally felt the movie was above average, but not what I expected. This can be interpreted as a good thing, but I like to keep a neutral tone. Many say that the ending is very frustrating to most, but if you can figure things out then you should have no problem at all with the ending. I personally would recommend seeing it, but it is not a movie you will want to watch again I would assume.