As the first half ended, Spock asked to have the second tape played. He doesn't care if he is vindicated, only that his former Captain be given piece. We now focus on Jeffrey Hunter who was Kirk's counterpart in "The Cage." We are let in on the secret of his adventures on Talos IV. It is about an effort of a dying race of superbrains who need to repopulate the planet. They are able to create incredible illusions, offering Pike anything to mate and be the new Adam. Unfortunately, Starship Captains don't always go along with someone else's agenda. Beautiful women (illusions) are offered up but Pike wants to understand what is going on. The joy of this is that he thoughtfully unravels things. Not to spoil this, it really works. The conclusion is quite satisfying. This also is Leonard Nimoy's opportunity to get beyond the "weird looking guy with the pointy ears." I recommend this.