This is the second part of a two-part series--ending season six and beginning season seven.
In the first part, the Borg attack the Enterprise. But it's not THE Borg but an odd offshoot. Oddly, at the end of this episode, they learn that Lore, Data's evil twin, is behind it all--and he takes several of the crew prisoner.
This second part has two main plots. With lots of the crew on the planet looking for Lore and the Borg, Dr. Crusher is in command and must contend with the Borg and rescuing the crew--no small feat. The main plot involves Data, who is under some sort of mind control by Lore. Can Geordi and the other prisoners manage to break through Data's new programming to get him to refuse to do Lore's evil bidding?
All in all, this is a very exciting finale--and I almost always love these two-parters because there's so much action and mayhem! Well worth seeing--especially since Lore is so wonderfully bad!
In the first part, the Borg attack the Enterprise. But it's not THE Borg but an odd offshoot. Oddly, at the end of this episode, they learn that Lore, Data's evil twin, is behind it all--and he takes several of the crew prisoner.
This second part has two main plots. With lots of the crew on the planet looking for Lore and the Borg, Dr. Crusher is in command and must contend with the Borg and rescuing the crew--no small feat. The main plot involves Data, who is under some sort of mind control by Lore. Can Geordi and the other prisoners manage to break through Data's new programming to get him to refuse to do Lore's evil bidding?
All in all, this is a very exciting finale--and I almost always love these two-parters because there's so much action and mayhem! Well worth seeing--especially since Lore is so wonderfully bad!