Not sure if this is Spike TVs first attempt for a TV movie but if it is it was well done. Giving the network is considered a guy's version of Lifetime it definitely had all the elements you'd expect in a movie made for fuys while appealing to the women too. Action packed battle scenes betrayal love and destiny.
I got to admit the set designs even the CGI to form the background to show the glory of how Egypt may have looked in its prime was not that bad at all. Even the costumes were well done.
Story was well paced for me and I found myself concerned for Tut and was cheering for him to succeed. There obviously isn't a lot of story about Tuts reign but it to my knowledge covered the political and economical issues we do know may have happened in his time. Tension relations with outer tribes and economic distress. Though a lot of Historians believe he was mildly crippled and may have not fought his own battles he was buried with war armor so it's easy to assume maybe he did. Besides movie wouldn't be as interesting if he wasn't in the battles so why not.
Actors were pretty good in it. Ben Kingsley of course was great but a lot of the other actors ,except Nonzo Azonie from Game of Thrones season 2, were unknowns to me and did a good enough job to not make me cringe every time they opened their mouth.
If you're looking for a movie to fill your need for the disappointment of Exodus: Gods and Kings this will be a great one to watch. Sure not all the actors were Egyptian. Hard to find true Egyptians today like it is Mayans but at least the actors look like they would be. Not white actors with bad body paint like Exodus.
I got to admit the set designs even the CGI to form the background to show the glory of how Egypt may have looked in its prime was not that bad at all. Even the costumes were well done.
Story was well paced for me and I found myself concerned for Tut and was cheering for him to succeed. There obviously isn't a lot of story about Tuts reign but it to my knowledge covered the political and economical issues we do know may have happened in his time. Tension relations with outer tribes and economic distress. Though a lot of Historians believe he was mildly crippled and may have not fought his own battles he was buried with war armor so it's easy to assume maybe he did. Besides movie wouldn't be as interesting if he wasn't in the battles so why not.
Actors were pretty good in it. Ben Kingsley of course was great but a lot of the other actors ,except Nonzo Azonie from Game of Thrones season 2, were unknowns to me and did a good enough job to not make me cringe every time they opened their mouth.
If you're looking for a movie to fill your need for the disappointment of Exodus: Gods and Kings this will be a great one to watch. Sure not all the actors were Egyptian. Hard to find true Egyptians today like it is Mayans but at least the actors look like they would be. Not white actors with bad body paint like Exodus.