The focus begins with Dany, whose miscalculations and ego have caused great distress. She begins by trying to rule through fear. She brings in the city's family leaders. She feeds one of them to the dragons, a horror filled scene. We don't know at this point if the carnage will continue, or if she is making a point. At first it appears to be the former. Things change however. The most interesting story takes us back to Theon and Ramsey, the utter psychotic "possible" son. He is totally evil, embracing the fear of everyone. He is also a coward because he has only accomplished things through his being shielded by his power base. He abuses women and plays psychological games with Sansa. He knows that she is vulnerable. She has grown some and believes that Littlefinger will do something to help her, but we will see how much this trust is worth. The forces under John Snow and his people amass and head out to face the Boltons. In a nice hook, we have Jorah hoping to appease the Dragon Lady with Tyrion. Unfortunately, they are accosted by the people who have become savages because of greyscale. The concluding scene sets up an interesting road ahead.