Like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, and Chowder, Camp Lazlo! was another one of my favorite Cartoon Network shows from my childhood. Sure, it's not as good as Joe Murray's other show: Rocko's Modern Life, and it may not have as much adult jokes, but it's still such a timeless, heartfelt, and hilarious cartoon show. I really love the characters and the animation. "Radio Free Edward" was my all time favorite episode of Camp Lazlo! I loved Camp Lazlo! as a kid, and still do as an adult. While I would prefer Rocko's Modern Life from Nickelodeon, I still loved watching Cartoon Network's Camp Lazlo! One of my favorite characters is Edward, because he's a jerk done right, like Eric Duckman from Duckman. No matter what age I'll be, I'll always have fond memories of Camp Lazlo!
Review of Camp Lazlo
Camp Lazlo
One of my childhood favorites on Cartoon Network, next to Chowder and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
12 December 2016