So who greenlit this trash? A terrible, lame attempt at an update of Death Race 2000 (the original is a genuine cult classic, while the semi-remake Jason Stratham sequel (is just ok) and the Roger Corman cheap-o Death Race 2050 (not worth watching at all) are slightly better than this silly waste of time. To wit: in 1999 Oil is 2000$ a barrel, so cars now run on human blood (I'd guess the engines are diesel since they'll burn nearly anything). A race is held for ten million dollars with the various racers being given silly nicknames like the Gentleman and such. The cars engines seem alive and actually eat people, spitting out their clothing. This is really a stupid, lame idea. As good as the SyFy channel show The Expanse is, this is bad. This is Sharknado and Z Nation bad. Stupid idea for a story, poor acting (the guy playing the cop is way better on Reacher), and in the first episode, if I heard Dick one more time, I was going to throw up. I won't be going back for any more of this show and will be quite gleeful when it's cancelled.