Everybody is so sure they know what really happened. Please take a moment to CONSIDER you could be wrong, either way.
All the haters, don't you have something better to do with your pathetic lives?
Also consider that you can't possibly know how YOU would behave when placed under so much pressure and accused of something so horrible. Would you be composed or crack under pressure telling the police what they want to hear? or anything at all to be left alone?
Humans are so easy to judge others! Where is the compassion? where is the benefit of a doubt? What's her motive? Her life ruined by media frenzy and some amateur police work in Italy.
If you want to have a different perspective on this, read Malcolm Gladwell's "Talking to Strangers", he discusses this case a lot. Then maybe you'll realize that your conviction either way is not based on anything real or true and maybe you'll then be humbled and realize that you, just like everybody else, is biased about pretty much everything.
All the haters, don't you have something better to do with your pathetic lives?
Also consider that you can't possibly know how YOU would behave when placed under so much pressure and accused of something so horrible. Would you be composed or crack under pressure telling the police what they want to hear? or anything at all to be left alone?
Humans are so easy to judge others! Where is the compassion? where is the benefit of a doubt? What's her motive? Her life ruined by media frenzy and some amateur police work in Italy.
If you want to have a different perspective on this, read Malcolm Gladwell's "Talking to Strangers", he discusses this case a lot. Then maybe you'll realize that your conviction either way is not based on anything real or true and maybe you'll then be humbled and realize that you, just like everybody else, is biased about pretty much everything.