Based on a Lovecraft story, this shows the danger of seeing and knowing too much. Campy horror director Stuart Gordon has Jeff Combs working on a machine (the Resonator !) that can help us to "see" other dimensions. When they turn on the machine, it brings monsters into this dimension. when the Doctor Pretorious is killed by his own experiment, Crawfod is locked up as a nut job. Barbara Crampton is Dr. McMichaels, trying to get to the bottom of his case. and of course Gordon puts his own wife Carolyn in here as another doctor. So they take Crawford back to the scene, and for some unknown reason, they think turning it back on is a good idea. Keep the kids away. Language, violence and nudity. S&M. a little something for everyone. and the weird thing is, they keep talking about the pineal gland, which really does control our sleep rhythms by controlling our melatonin level. and on some web pages, there are the discussions of flouride in our water supply. This "results" in the blocking of our ability to see the alternate planes. which is what this whole film is about! actually slightly based on "shakey science". who knew? it's all silly and campy and cheap and cheesy. but you'll have a fun time watching. not for the weak of heart.