If these people had received the mental health care they desperately needed, they might still be alive. A disturbed young woman who believes that her 'pet' gaboon viper 'cares about' her is clearly not well. It's horrible that the victims' loved ones have to live with the traumatic aftermath.
I like that the program places the blame squarely where it belongs - with the arrogant humans who believe that they have some spiritual connection with wild animals who belong in the wild - not trailer parts or studio apartments. (If these folks were actually animal lovers, they would never try to keep them as 'pets.') Hopefully, the stories told will help prevent this dangerous (and idiotic) behavior.
I like that the program places the blame squarely where it belongs - with the arrogant humans who believe that they have some spiritual connection with wild animals who belong in the wild - not trailer parts or studio apartments. (If these folks were actually animal lovers, they would never try to keep them as 'pets.') Hopefully, the stories told will help prevent this dangerous (and idiotic) behavior.