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Jungle Cruise (2021)
" AMAZEBALLS 🐍🤺💥🛶😂 "
25 August 2021
A -BIG- Screen Full Length Review. Viewed Aug.09, 2021.


Frank Wolff : "Hey , McGregor! . . . Had a girlfriend once, she was cross-eyed. Didn't work out. We could never see eye to eye!".


1. " What A Ride 👏❗" : This is a journey filled with Colour, Beauty, Awe, Drama, "Massive"-Spectacle, But -Most- Of All, { " HUMOUR . . . & HEART " }. Now, I like to think of myself as a person who has a ( -fairly- ) high bar when it comes to the 'funnies', so I just -have- to say, Dwayne Johnson's 'Frank Wolff' delivers -So many- ..."genuinely" Ribtickling Spur-Of-The-Moment puns... in Jungle Cruise ( 'JC', for short ) ; that I -honestly- couldn't help but get "Drawn-in", & to the fullest, at that . . . . almost 'Every-darn-time'. Not to mention all the masterfully executed -Slapstick- humour 😂 { a little taste of which is in the movie's -"Official Trailer 1"- ( August '20 ) }. All in all, expect Two-hours-and-seven-minutes of Non-stop, "Lavish" . . . . Wholesome -{ Family }- Entertainment.

2. So, Does He Still Charm, Endear, & Delight ? Short answer : -{ Yes }- . . . . he can, & -Does- , still well and truly "ROCK" The Boat. -{ However }- I sincerely urge you not to expect any particularly 'Oscar-worthy' sort of performance from The Man himself, Mr. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Meaning -things like- you're just going to get the 'Same old', run-of-the-mill American Accent from him yet again, despite him playing the role of, get this, a -Spaniard- . . . Living in -Brazil- . { To be -Entirely- fair, this was almost ( certainly ) a directorial-Call by the picture's absolutely " OUTSTANDING 🌠 " Director, Jaume Collet-Serra ; for reasons I -Shan't- disclose, so as to not give anything away }. So anyways, I'm just going to recommend that you go to the cinema -{ Expecting }- to see him put in a "Thorough & Dedicated Performance", with a few "impressive" surprises sprinkled into the mix, for what it's worth. And inasmuchas the sister-brother duo of Emily Blunt's 'Lily Houghton' & Jack Whitehall's 'MacGregor Houghton' are concerned, ready yourself for an incredibly -{ FUN }- journey with these two effusive, "Mega-Talented Stars" and veterans of the Film and Telivision business, ( respectively ). In the " nascently Post-Victorian 🎩 " setting of JC, you are likely to find these two characters to be -Nothing- less than sheerly Affable, Charming, & Indeed Just, " All Around . . . . DELIGHTFUL ".

3. "Jesse Lon Plemmons" Was The Marvellous "Shock" : of this huge, exciting movie { well for -Me- ateast, that is to say }. He portrays the Tyrannically-Monstrous German "Prince Joachim : your worst nightmare straight outta World War 1" in Jungle Cruise ; and in real life he's the partner to bubbly, adorable, global Giga-star, Kirsten Dunst. So here's the thing. Not much having been a big afficionado -for the most part at least- of the whole 'Breaking Bad' craze, { arguably Jesse's first 'Really, Really' big-break ( as 'Todd Alquist', 11 Episodes., 2012-2013 ) }, I'd somehow managed to let his " WHOPPING 🔥❗" Sixty-three Acting Role Career, to date, somehow slip under the radar ; with the -Sole- exception being his -Relatively- "diminutive" ( yet 'tremendously' enjoyable ) part as the -genuinely- likeable "Jimmy 'Ordy' Ord" in 2012's massive blockbuster, 'Battleship'. And Now, to see him { seemingly } "come out of nowhere", take on this 'Way' larger-than-life kind of part ; & play it with Utter, Consummate -{ " CLASS " }- . . . . oh, & don't even get me -started- about his -fabulously- performed German Accent. Suffice to say that his portrayal of the aforementioned -and entirely fictitious- "Evil megalomaniacal occultist" Prince, was executed well . . . -{ " IMMACULATELY " }- .

Summation : Indeed, had it not been for -all- the pretty gross out -{ " OVERKILL " }- Mud, Slime, and the -hundreds- , literally , of Bugs & Bees -In- Said Slime, ( the aforementioned trailer -Will- , b.t.w , be able to give you a small, but 'succinct', flavour of this ) . . . I might just have given this film my { "trademark" } 12 , or -"Even 13!" - , marks out of 10, reserved "Exclusively" for films that I 'Very, Very wholeheartedly' enjoy. However, as that stuff -{ DID }- actually bother me a fair bit, ( " Sorry, but that's just -ME- " ) . . . It's going to remain a 'Solid 10 Marks Out Of 10' . So, umm, still " not too shabby , eh " . . . . . " Wouldn't 'Ya Reckon 😅 💥❓" .
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