Apparently the book upon which this medieval romp is based is much loved. Perhaps it works better in print. For me, Dunham's comedy mostly missed the mark. It's neither silly enough, nor clever enough, nor poignant enough to ever really fly. Part of the problem is Bella Ramsay as Birdy, who is never as endearing as she's clearly supposed to be. But fundamental suspension of disbelief is also frequently a problem. Can we really believe that Birdy - a girl raised among farm animals and by a no-nonsense nurse - is so utterly ignorant of sex and menstruation? And when the luscious Uncle George (Joe Alwyn) is doomed to marry a much older woman his devastation is somewhat implausible, given she's played by the very sexy and very vibrant Sophie Okonedo. Birdy will most likely play well to female tweens and tweens, but anyone else is likely to find it somewhere between under-cooked and extremely irritating.