Superman 3 is kind of like a double sided coin. One side being good and the other one being bad. Jekyll and Hyde if you will.
The plot of Superman 3 is essentially split into 2 parts.
The 1st part revolves around Superman going back to Smallville for his high school reunion where he catches up with his high school sweetheart Lana Lang. While there he is exposed to Kryptonite only this time instead of it making him weak, it instead turns him evil. All of this stuff is really good and what you would expect from a Superman movie.
On the other side of the coin however is the B plot which revolves around Richard Pyror who guest stars in this movie as Gus Gorman. A down on his luck computer clerk who gets tangled up with a greedy businessman who wants to get richer by taking over the world with see why this part of the movie doesn't work right?
The 2nd part of this movie really isn't that good if you want me to be honest.
I mean I love Richard Pryor but he really isn't that funny in this movie. Mostly because he has nothing to work with due to the script.
Which is strange because you can tell just by the opening credits that this movies trying to be more like a comedy (if you can call it that) but no of the jokes really land and just feel really out of place.
The villains are awful to. Instead of using a Super villain from the comics like Braniac or Parasite, they instead chose to create a original villain called Ross Webster whose essentially just a watered down version of Luthor with little to no substance.
Which is insane considering how big of a rogue line up Superman has.
Literally the only other good thing in this movie is the action and specie leffects which are good for their time.
Especially the junkyard fight with the evil Superman. That scene is amazing and really demonstrates how great Christopher Reeves was as Superman.
Again all the stuff with Superman and Smallville is great. There everything you want and love from these movies.
It's the other half with Richard Pryor and the villains that's awful and unfortunately brings the movie down.
The plot of Superman 3 is essentially split into 2 parts.
The 1st part revolves around Superman going back to Smallville for his high school reunion where he catches up with his high school sweetheart Lana Lang. While there he is exposed to Kryptonite only this time instead of it making him weak, it instead turns him evil. All of this stuff is really good and what you would expect from a Superman movie.
On the other side of the coin however is the B plot which revolves around Richard Pyror who guest stars in this movie as Gus Gorman. A down on his luck computer clerk who gets tangled up with a greedy businessman who wants to get richer by taking over the world with see why this part of the movie doesn't work right?
The 2nd part of this movie really isn't that good if you want me to be honest.
I mean I love Richard Pryor but he really isn't that funny in this movie. Mostly because he has nothing to work with due to the script.
Which is strange because you can tell just by the opening credits that this movies trying to be more like a comedy (if you can call it that) but no of the jokes really land and just feel really out of place.
The villains are awful to. Instead of using a Super villain from the comics like Braniac or Parasite, they instead chose to create a original villain called Ross Webster whose essentially just a watered down version of Luthor with little to no substance.
Which is insane considering how big of a rogue line up Superman has.
Literally the only other good thing in this movie is the action and specie leffects which are good for their time.
Especially the junkyard fight with the evil Superman. That scene is amazing and really demonstrates how great Christopher Reeves was as Superman.
Again all the stuff with Superman and Smallville is great. There everything you want and love from these movies.
It's the other half with Richard Pryor and the villains that's awful and unfortunately brings the movie down.