I gave it a7 measured against everything I've ever watched before. The short review is that I enjoyed this. I binge watched it during my wife's absence because I suspected she would not enjoy it. My taste is slightly more eclectic and so I came into this without major expectations, simply expecting just a fun romp with the occasional smart or funny quip and it met my expectation.
I read through many of these reviews before and after watching and I think some viewers expected too much. If a person feels the need to write a horrible review, why the heck even would that individual hang in there for eight episodes?
Anyway, if you are the curious type, you'll see I have a public list of movies I've watched during my many years on this little blue planet. I don't write a lot of reviews but jumped in here because I felt this deserved higher than a six rating. If you've found my review and you're wondering if you should invest 8 hours of your time watching this, my advice would be to stay away if you are the very serious or overly critical type.
It was fun. Love has long claws.
I read through many of these reviews before and after watching and I think some viewers expected too much. If a person feels the need to write a horrible review, why the heck even would that individual hang in there for eight episodes?
Anyway, if you are the curious type, you'll see I have a public list of movies I've watched during my many years on this little blue planet. I don't write a lot of reviews but jumped in here because I felt this deserved higher than a six rating. If you've found my review and you're wondering if you should invest 8 hours of your time watching this, my advice would be to stay away if you are the very serious or overly critical type.
It was fun. Love has long claws.