Eddie Redmayne credited as playing...
Newt Scamander
- Newt Scamander: Tina, about Leta...
- Tina Goldstein: Yes, I've just said, I am happy for you...
- Newt Scamander: Please don't be happy. Uh, sorry, I don't... Obviously I want you to be. And I hear that you are now, which is wonderful. What I'm trying to say is, I want you to be happy, but don't be happy that I'm happy, because I'm not.
- [off her confusion]
- Newt Scamander: Happy. Or engaged.
- Tina Goldstein: [taken aback] What?
- Newt Scamander: It was a mistake in a stupid magazine. My brother's marrying Leta, June 6th. I'm supposed to be best man. Which is sort of mildly hilarious.
- Tina Goldstein: Does he think you're here to win her back? Are you here to win her back?
- Newt Scamander: No, I'm here to... You know, your eyes really are...
- Tina Goldstein: Are what?
- Newt Scamander: I'm not supposed to say. I got this picture of you from the paper, but it's interesting because your eyes in newsprint. See, in reality they have this effect in them, Tina. It's like fire in water, in dark water. I've only ever seen that... I've only ever seen that in...
- Tina Goldstein: Salamanders?
- Tina Goldstein: Mr. Scamander, I need to go talk to the Ministry-and I know how you feel about Aurors...
- Newt Scamander: I may have been a little strong in the way that I expressed myself in that letter...
- Tina Goldstein: What was the exact phrase? "A bunch of careerist hypocrites"?
- Newt Scamander: Sorry, but I can't admire people whose answer to everything that they fear or misunderstand is "kill it"!
- Tina Goldstein: I'm an Auror and I don't!
- Newt Scamander: Yes, and that's because you've gone middle head!
- Tina Goldstein: Excuse me?
- Newt Scamander: It's an expression derived from the three heads of the Runespoor. The middle one is the visionary. Every Auror in Europe wants Credence dead, except you. You've gone middle head.
- Tina Goldstein: Who else uses that expression, Mr. Scamander?
- Newt Scamander: I think it might just be me.
- [from trailer]
- Albus Dumbledore: [gives Newt an address in a bus] Address.
- Newt Scamander: What's that?
- Albus Dumbledore: A safe house in Paris.
- Newt Scamander: Why would I need a safe house in Paris?
- Albus Dumbledore: Should things, at some point, go terribly wrong, it's good to have a place to go. You know, for a cup of tea.
- Albus Dumbledore: [to Newt] I can't move against Grindelwald. It has to be you. In your shoes, I'd probably refuse too. It's late. Good evening, Newt.
- [Apparates away]
- Newt Scamander: Oh, come on!
- Albus Dumbledore: I take it you've heard to rumors. Grindelwald had a vision that he would rise to dominance over the Wizarding world.
- Newt Scamander: So you're asking me to help hunt him down.
- [from trailer]
- Newt Scamander: Dumbledore, why can't you go?
- Albus Dumbledore: I can't move against Grindelwald. It has to be you.
- Albus Dumbledore: Do you know why I admire you, Newt?
- Newt Scamander: What?
- Albus Dumbledore: More perhaps than any man I know? You do not seek power or popularity. You simply ask, is a thing... right, in itself? And if it is, you do it no matter the cost!
- [from trailer]
- Tina Goldstein: [Theseus stops Tina and Newt as they're running] That's your brother?
- Newt Scamander: [traps Theseus onto a chair with magic] I think that might have been the best moment of my life!
- [from trailer]
- Newt Scamander: You don't suffer from motion sickness, do you?
- Jacob Kowalski: I don't do well on boats.
- Newt Scamander: You'll be fine.
- [Jacob screams as they Apparate away]
- Jacob Kowalski: Are you going somewhere?
- Newt Scamander: No. We're going somewhere.
- Jacob Kowalski: Genius!
- [after Newt has removed Queenie's enchantment from Jacob]
- Newt Scamander: Congratulations on your engagement, Jacob.
- Jacob Kowalski: [confused] Wait, what?
- [Jacob turns to Queenie]
- Jacob Kowalski: Oh no! You didn't.
- [she leaves]
- Jacob Kowalski: Queenie!
- [to Newt]
- Jacob Kowalski: It's very nice to see you. Where the hell am I right now?
- Newt Scamander: London.
- Jacob Kowalski: [frustrated] Oh! I always wanted to go here!
- [from trailer]
- Albus Dumbledore: The time's coming... when you're gonna have to pick a side.
- Newt Scamander: [to Theseus] No, I don't do sides.
- Newt Scamander: [trying to catch Kama's attention] Er - bonjour. Bonjour, monsieur.
- [Kama ignores Newt]
- Newt Scamander: Oh wait, no, sorry. We were... we were actually just wondering if you'd come across a friend of ours?
- Jacob Kowalski: Tina Goldstein.
- Yusuf Kama: Monsieur, Paris is a large city.
- Newt Scamander: She's an Auror. When Aurors go missing, the Ministry tend to come looking, so... No, now I suppose it would probably be better if we just report her absence...
- Yusuf Kama: She is tall? Dark? Rather...
- Jacob Kowalski: - intense?
- Newt Scamander: [at the same time as Jacob] - beautiful?
- [gives Jacob a glare]
- Jacob Kowalski: [hasty] Yeah, what I meant to say... she's very - very pretty...
- Newt Scamander: She's intense, too.
- Jacob Kowalski: [running in Paris with Newt] Could we at least stop for a coffee, or like a...
- Newt Scamander: Not now, Jacob.
- Jacob Kowalski: I don't know.
- Newt Scamander: This way. Come on.
- Jacob Kowalski: Pain au chocolat? Half a croissant, or like, a bonbon?
- Newt Scamander: This way.
- Jacob Kowalski: [pointing to the cliffs] Who is that man?
- Newt Scamander: He's the only way I could leave the country without permission. You do not easily nauseated when traveling, right?
- Jacob Kowalski: [fearful] I do not like riding a boat, Newt.
- Newt Scamander: You'll be fine.
- Portkey Tout: Should have been set off in 1 minute. 50 Galleon.
- Newt Scamander: [reluctant] No, he said 30.
- Portkey Tout: 30 to go to France. 20 to close the mouth to the other I saw Newt Scamander leave the country without permission. That price, a friend.