Few things made less sense than the battle of Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King. What exactly is proved by middled-aged man winning or losing to a young tennis champion? And yet, this was a big deal at the time, as showman and huckster Riggs somehow persuaded the world that such a contest would prove something.
According to the movie, Billie Jean knew it was nonsense. Her perfectly reasonable position was that women tennis stars should be paid as much as the men because they sold as many tickets. But sometimes you have to take the symbolic fight you are offered rather than the one you want.
Steve Carrel is terrific as Riggs, with an obnoxious, breezy charm that is pretty much what I remember from the time (when I was a kid with no interest in sports). Emma Stone has the less interesting task of playing a noble hero, but her gentle steeliness and sexual awakening make her a sympathetic and terrible likable protagonist. The rest of the cast is terrific as well, and full of familiar faces.
It's not a great movie, but it's a cute, perpetually entertaining one that tells an interesting story in an engaging manner.