Comedy, like most genres, is a personal preference and, from my own viewpoint, I had a blast this afternoon as I became immersed in the Car Share onscreen camaraderie that I stumbled across. I guess an upside of the covid-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to watch various programmes I'd probably have otherwise overlooked...this being one programme where I wasn't disappointed.
Personally, for me as a viewer, I'd be inclined to say Peter Kaye and Sian Gibson are naturals...I'm sure there are other viewers who found the show entertaining and, are with me when I subtly express ....
- ok maybe not the right use of the word ....pedantic much ........let's adopt the word .....succinctly ...
....when I 'succinctly' convey to Peter and Sian to...'come back my car share buddy......'
Thanks to all involved for much needed laughter.