- [last lines]
- Jesper: What happened to him after that, how, why, I can't even begin to comprehend. I stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago. But I do know: once, every year, I get to see my friend.
- [first lines]
- Jesper: [narrating] Letters. You don't really write many these days, do you? But I bet there's one you never forget. Send it off to a certain plump guy in a red suit and, provided you've kept your act together more or less, he'll drop off a toy or two. And yet, no one seems to wonder how the whole thing got started in the first place. This is a story about letters, and it began... with this one...
- Mrs. Krum: Do you know what this is, little boy?
- Mr. Ellingboe: This is tradition!
- Mrs. Krum: Centuries of glorious hatred, passed down through generations! There was the hundred-day brawl of '45...
- Mr. Ellingboe: ...which we totally won!
- Mrs. Krum: The maritime game of chicken.
- Mr. Ellingboe: The Great Mooning of '86.
- Mrs. Krum: So, if there's something we know...
- Mr. Ellingboe: ...going back as far as we can remember...
- Mrs. Krum: ...it's that a Krum despises an Ellingboe...
- Mr. Ellingboe: ...and an Ellingboe can't stand a Krum!
- Mrs. Krum: This town was built on resentment and spite. And it'll stay that way as long as a Krum...
- Mr. Ellingboe: Or an Ellingboe!
- Mrs. Krum: Ugh. Have something to say about it.
- [from trailer]
- Jesper: Good morning, madam! Ah, and a good morning it is indeed! For, you see, today is the day when progress arrives in this charming little town of yours! Now, let me steal a few moments of your time to introduce to you the novel concept that is the postal service...
- [the door slams in his face]
- Mrs. Krum: Look around, Aksel! Where is your clan?
- Mr. Ellingboe: Uh...
- Mrs. Krum: I'll tell you where they are - they're at block parties! Hayrides! And COOK-OUTS!
- Concerned Ellingboe Man: Don't forget about the brunches!
- Ellingboe Councilwoman: [sobbing] It was a book club that took my poor Sven!
- Mrs. Krum: You see? The postman and that old toy maker are brainwashing everyone!
- Mr. Ellingboe: What are you saying?
- Mrs. Krum: I'm saying it's time to join forces against a common enemy! I'm saying... we need a TRUCE.
- [all gasp]
- Mr. Ellingboe: A truce? Have you gone mad?
- Mrs. Krum: Either we band together to take care of this, or it's gonna be all book clubs and cookouts from here on...
- Concerned Ellingboe Man: And brunches! Don't forget about the brunches!
- Mrs. Krum: Yes, that. That too.
- Mr. Ellingboe: So... we must join together in peace, to stop this peace?
- Jesper: [from trailer] Mister Klaus, you have a gift. You were meant for making toys. So, I figured, if you donate your old toys, I'll deliver them for free!
- Klaus: Tonight. I go with you.
- Jesper: There's no need for you to come with me, really.
- [Klaus shuts the door and a pile of snow lands on Jesper's head]
- Jesper: Tonight, then.
- [from trailer]
- Jesper: [greets a little girl] Awww, aren't you the cutest little thing! Tell me, sweetie, is your mommy home?
- [the girl sets her dog on him]
- [Jesper approaches a wooden hut beside a docked boat. A scruffy, middle-aged man rests inside the hut. Jesper huffs, then clears his throat]
- Mogens: You go back to the intersection, you make a left at the dead tree. You're welcome.
- Jesper: What? No. I'm not lost.
- Mogens: Trust me, you are.
- [Jesper laughs sarcastically]
- Jesper: Funny. Say, nice boat! Any chance you might actually get on it today?
- [Mogens lifts his hat]
- Mogens: What was that?
- Jesper: New postman. Smeerensburg. Which is on an island, which is surrounded by water, which I need a boat to get to, which you have. Are we starting to connect the dots?
- [Mogens gives Jesper a jaded smile]
- Mrs. Krum: [ambushing Klaus the night of delivery] Well now, isn't this convenient?
- Klaus: What are you doing here?
- Mrs. Krum: Why, we were just thinking... don't our children also deserve a present?
- Mr. Ellingboe: [gesturing at the sack of toys] And lookee here - you've already got her favorite thing in the world! A nice, big piñata!
- Alva: Hey, you put one hand on those toys, and I swear...!
- Klaus: [restraining her] Stand back! All right, do what you will with the toys. But no one gets hurt!
- Mrs. Krum: Suits us just fine. How long until children go back to the old ways once there are no toys to bribe them with? How long until they turn against each other? And how long until the grownups follow?
- Mogens: Ah, young love - takes me back, you know. The intense looks, the palpitation of the heart... the whimpering and the soiling of the pants? No - I can't relate to so much.
- Postmaster General: Anchors aweigh captain, we're sailing off at once.
- Mogens: [looking at Jesper] Well, that's a first.
- Postmaster General: I beg your pardon?
- Mogens: Never saw a postman looking more miserable leaving than on the day they came in... Oh well, best leave it alone I say. I'm sure it's nothing that could eventually fester and become a source of regret.
- Jesper: [whimpering] That's it! This place is the worst! I'm going home!
- [firm voice]
- Jesper: NO! You can't leave! Remember? You'll be broke! Out in the streets!
- [sobbing]
- Jesper: But I hate it here, it's so cold and icky and the people are mean to me and I miss my silk sheets...
- [slaps himself]
- Jesper: Shut up! Stop being weak! Focus!
- Alva: [from trailer] Hey! What do you guys think you're doing? This is Smeerensburg, the unhappiest place on Earth. And you two can't change that!
- Mogens: [mocking Jesper's failure to post letters] Is this a bad time? I can see you're pretty swamped!
- Jesper: [exhausted] Don't... you... have... a job... or something?
- Mogens: Why, sure I do! I'm here to pick up all the outgoing mail! So - where is it? Now, you're gonna have to help me with the heavier bags. Bad back, don't you know.
- Jesper: Man, I hate you.
- Mogens: I know.
- Alva: What are you doing? Telling children to go to school to learn to write, what is wrong with you?