And the reason for the comparison is simple: by watching this series it becomes clear-as-day that the original manga work that this series adapted was, like the comic runs I'm referring to in the title of the review, something that the original mangaka had not fully grasped in its entirety so he made stuff on the spot, stuff that is more or less entertaining to a certain degree (something that the Larry Lieber era of Thor and the Siver Age run of Silver Surfer by Stan Lee weren't, not even by an inch) but it's not particularly interesting except for showcasing the incredible talents involved, meaning the talents of the 100% certified Dramaturge and Shoujo/Sukeban girl lover Toshiki Inoue (the main writer of this series) and the amazing voice actress Megumi Ogata, the one behind the voice of the main protagonist (there are other people like Kaneto Shiozawa involved in here, but they last very few episodes). The problem is, no matter how much these people are EXTREMELY talented to begin with (which they absolutely and totally are), they can't elevate the failing source material, hence this series unfortunately has no real value whatsoever outside the showcasing of said talents and some glimpses at their previous/future work (I'm referring to the previous and future work of Toshiki Inoue in the likes of Ranma 1/2, Changerion, Cutie Honey the live and Death Note), utterly wasted for no reason whatsoever. I just hope for both Inoue and Ogata-Sensei (whose A M A Z I N G musical albums I would suggest you to listen to instead of watching this series tout court) that Toei gave them a good compensation for their work in due time, otherwise unless you're a Die-Hard Yu-Gi-Oh fan that must watch every single Yu-Gi-Oh series ever produced I wouldn't bother.