Tituss Burgess said that the part he plays was originally written for a woman, and he felt very honored when the director called him and asked if he would play the part.
On the behind the scenes special feature included with the film, Maisie Williams reveals that no matter what outfit Skye is wearing, she has on her tights and boot-style Converse All Stars because Maisie herself chose them as something that she thought fit the character very well.
Skye never wears the same wig two days in a row.
In one scene, Skye (Maisie Williams) performs a hot towel shave in Pugsly's Barbershop, a popular barbershop in the uptown district, of Kingston, New York.
Calvin has some art piece in his room depicting a person diving off of a structure. This is a sign of the connection that he and Skye share, because Skye was a champion diver before she got sick.