493 reviews
I've just seen this movie at Berlinale and it is exactly what you would expect from Wes Anderson. I wasn't sure how he would do with a non-Western setting but he managed well.
He keeps his unique style and it works very well with the futuristic, but still traditional Japanese art. It also incorporates some cartooning along with interesting ideas - the Japanese dialogue is not always translated and when it is, it's by interpreters or foreign exchange students. Anderson manages to merge his style with the Japanese and it works seamlessly.
It's a very quirky film with an all too relatable story. I enjoyed the visuals more than the plot, I'll admit, but it was still a good movie, with the usual quick dialogues, jokes, strange characters - Tilda Swinton being the weirdest, no surprise there - and altogether it's a great experience.
Without spoilers, if you like Wes Anderson, you will like this movie. If you don't, buckle up, because this is jam-packed with everything that is his style, the quirky music works now fused with Japanese, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum and the usual cast having very well fitting characters (watch out for the credits Anjelica Huston is there as a Mute Poodle) and the cinematography being interesting and stunning.
P.S. It's still not a children's movie, don't let the format fool you.
He keeps his unique style and it works very well with the futuristic, but still traditional Japanese art. It also incorporates some cartooning along with interesting ideas - the Japanese dialogue is not always translated and when it is, it's by interpreters or foreign exchange students. Anderson manages to merge his style with the Japanese and it works seamlessly.
It's a very quirky film with an all too relatable story. I enjoyed the visuals more than the plot, I'll admit, but it was still a good movie, with the usual quick dialogues, jokes, strange characters - Tilda Swinton being the weirdest, no surprise there - and altogether it's a great experience.
Without spoilers, if you like Wes Anderson, you will like this movie. If you don't, buckle up, because this is jam-packed with everything that is his style, the quirky music works now fused with Japanese, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum and the usual cast having very well fitting characters (watch out for the credits Anjelica Huston is there as a Mute Poodle) and the cinematography being interesting and stunning.
P.S. It's still not a children's movie, don't let the format fool you.
In the city of Megasaki, Japan, Mayor Kobayashi has banished all dogs to Trash Island fearing an outbreak of dog flu. Scientist Watanabe insists that he will soon have a cure but he is ignored. Atari Kobayashi flies to the island to search for his dog Spots. The boy is an orphan and is a ward of distant uncle Mayor Kobayashi. He is assisted by 5 dogs who voted to help him find Spots. Tough street dog Chief refuses to have a master and is the only to vote no. They go on a journey while the cat loving mayor is planning a final solution.
Director Wes Anderson returns to stop-motion animation after Fantastic Mr Fox. While I've loved his movies, his stop-motion stuff is problematic personally. His deadpan structured filming style leaves me feeling tired from repetition. In live action, I can get involved with the actors but I'm less connected with these artificial figures. I did laugh several times for the first half but like before, the style does wear down on me slightly. Nevertheless, it is enjoyable and darn it, I laughed. It's fun while it lasts.
Director Wes Anderson returns to stop-motion animation after Fantastic Mr Fox. While I've loved his movies, his stop-motion stuff is problematic personally. His deadpan structured filming style leaves me feeling tired from repetition. In live action, I can get involved with the actors but I'm less connected with these artificial figures. I did laugh several times for the first half but like before, the style does wear down on me slightly. Nevertheless, it is enjoyable and darn it, I laughed. It's fun while it lasts.
- SnoopyStyle
- Jul 6, 2018
- Permalink
I love Wes Anderson's films and I love animation films. 'Isle of Dogs' was absolutely incredible! It is a demented, unsympathetic and uniquely different film that is completely and utterly stunning! The stop-motion animation is great. The script and dialogue is very good, and you gotta love the (dog) characters!
The film featured some moments that had me belly-laughing and moments that just melted my heart. It never became sentimental or overly comical. The comedic moments were seriously funny. Wes Anderson pays great attention to detail and he obviously had a clear vision of what he wanted to portray. We don't always understand what the Japanese are saying, as they are not accompanied by subtitles, but that never mattered and - in fact - made it even more interesting, funny and unique.
'Isle of Dogs' will go down as one of my all-time favorite movies.
The film featured some moments that had me belly-laughing and moments that just melted my heart. It never became sentimental or overly comical. The comedic moments were seriously funny. Wes Anderson pays great attention to detail and he obviously had a clear vision of what he wanted to portray. We don't always understand what the Japanese are saying, as they are not accompanied by subtitles, but that never mattered and - in fact - made it even more interesting, funny and unique.
'Isle of Dogs' will go down as one of my all-time favorite movies.
- paulclaassen
- Nov 23, 2018
- Permalink
I had very high expectations going into Isle of Dogs, being a great admirer of Wes Anderson's work, and especially off the fumes of his previous film, The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014). If you look at Wes' filmography, you will notice that each of his films progressively become more focused, detailed, and "Wes Anderson-ey". It feels as if his films have been building to a culmination of sorts, which can be represented with Isle of Dogs.
The story revolves around a young boy, Atari, who is seeking his lost dog with help from a pack of dogs on Trash Island, right outside of Megasaki City (word-play on Nagasaki), a fictional future city of Japan that is exiling dogs due to a "canine flu" outbreak.
From a filmmaking viewpoint, Isle of Dogs has it all in spades, and more. The characters are well rounded and relatable, even though the majority of them are dogs. The presentation of the story is very fresh and unique, and the humor is always smoothly intertwined with the narrative and visuals. With a runtime of an hour and 40 minutes, it flies by, always keeping your attention and further engaging you. The stop-motion animation is very well done, and the way it is contrasted with beautiful Japanese imagery is stunning. The soundtrack is also excellent, and aids in telling the story. There are many nods towards Japanese cinema, chiefly Akira Kurosawa's films, which you can tell that Wes has a passion for. The voice cast is star-studded and wonderful as always. There are plenty of twists and surprises, and the film leaves the viewers with some important messages/themes to ponder over. It is best to go into the movie knowing as little about the story as possible, and let it take you on its journey.
This film will greatly reward repeat viewings. The attention to detail in every frame is incredible, and there is always so much on the screen to absorb and process, in the best way possible. I believe that Wes Anderson has the most distinct and easily discernible style of any filmmaker to ever live, and this quality alone is something to be praised very highly.
If you love dogs, Japanese cinema/culture, stop-motion, and animation in general, then you will love this film all the more so. Isle of Dogs, shows Wes at his full unfiltered creative power, stretching his capabilities, and giving us something truly remarkable.
Ineffable Films: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls052767730/
The story revolves around a young boy, Atari, who is seeking his lost dog with help from a pack of dogs on Trash Island, right outside of Megasaki City (word-play on Nagasaki), a fictional future city of Japan that is exiling dogs due to a "canine flu" outbreak.
From a filmmaking viewpoint, Isle of Dogs has it all in spades, and more. The characters are well rounded and relatable, even though the majority of them are dogs. The presentation of the story is very fresh and unique, and the humor is always smoothly intertwined with the narrative and visuals. With a runtime of an hour and 40 minutes, it flies by, always keeping your attention and further engaging you. The stop-motion animation is very well done, and the way it is contrasted with beautiful Japanese imagery is stunning. The soundtrack is also excellent, and aids in telling the story. There are many nods towards Japanese cinema, chiefly Akira Kurosawa's films, which you can tell that Wes has a passion for. The voice cast is star-studded and wonderful as always. There are plenty of twists and surprises, and the film leaves the viewers with some important messages/themes to ponder over. It is best to go into the movie knowing as little about the story as possible, and let it take you on its journey.
This film will greatly reward repeat viewings. The attention to detail in every frame is incredible, and there is always so much on the screen to absorb and process, in the best way possible. I believe that Wes Anderson has the most distinct and easily discernible style of any filmmaker to ever live, and this quality alone is something to be praised very highly.
If you love dogs, Japanese cinema/culture, stop-motion, and animation in general, then you will love this film all the more so. Isle of Dogs, shows Wes at his full unfiltered creative power, stretching his capabilities, and giving us something truly remarkable.
Ineffable Films: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls052767730/
In my experience, Wes Anderson films have always made great date films.
Not even joking. My first proper movie date was with my girlfriend was when we saw The Grand Budapest Hotel. We instantly fell in love with it, and it's a night I still remember fondly for the experience we had in a theater that consisted mainly of us and one other couple. It was simply magical.
And that, perhaps, is what makes me love Wes Anderson's work so much; it's simply movie magic. The man can take any setup he pleases and turn it into a whimsical, silly, but somehow all the same "Important" piece of film that holds its own weight. In short, Wes Anderson has made himself an icon when it comes to the quirky and whimsy in film. His films are a warm blanket that I love to wrap myself in.
In 'Isle of Dogs', the immediate strengths of Wes Anderson are apparent: the worlds he builds. The world of Megasaki and Trash Island are all realized in vivid detail, complete with a massive array of characters on both human and animal ends that one can recall and adore. Rather than the recent disappointment of 'Black Panther', where characterization took a backseat, this film OOZES character and a rich world you can feel. You can show me images of characters from this film and from their appearance ALONE I can tell you a story about them and what I enjoyed about them. The colorful and vast array of characters is something I think I loved most about this film, and still sticks with me even as I write this review.
What else has to be admired regarding this film is its respectful and quite incredible treatment of Japanese culture and art. Right from the get-go, Anderson makes it apparent he WANTS the culture to envelope us. All Japanese characters speak Japanese. Only 1-2 humans speak English. The dogs only speak "English" for the benefit of our understanding of their dialogue. Megasaki LOOKS like Japan. Japanese text is constantly displayed and is translated in subtitles for only our benefit. There is clear respect paid to the culture Wes wishes to show us, and for having that courage to not simplify it out of sheer convenience, I admire his work here.
Additionally, the homages to Japanese cinema, specifically Kurosawa, were welcome beyond all belief in this film. This film is hardly a zany and swift-moving animated film that one sees in this day and age. Heck, it is not even in the same league of movement and speed as Fantastic Mr. Fox was. Rather, this is a film that runs on its own pace, derived from Japanese cinema, and finds its footing in that delivery. It is a crisp, complete-feeling film that FEELS like a 2-hour film, but in the end, it barely coasts over 100 minute total...but it feels absolutely perfect in the time we are given in this rich world. In fact, by the time the film ended, I wanted MORE of the world I had seen.
The animation, as if you are even remotely surprised, is GORGEOUS. Every frame, and I mean EVERY FRAME, is just magnificent to look at. Where Fantastic Mr. Fox had the warm cinematography on its side, Isle of Dogs sports a bleaker texture, though it manages to create its own charm that way. You feel the characters' emotions through their well-animated faces, you can see every hair on the dogs' bodies move, you feel every movement of this film and adore it for how charming and Wes Anderson-y it is. Thankfully, the only thing you can NOT feel is the scent of Trash Island...
The only thing that has bugged me since seeing this film, however, is how little time the film has to really have FUN. The film is surprisingly played straight in most regards when it comes to conflict, and its tone is whimsy in some regards, but the laughs are surprisingly not as common as you would suspect them to be in a Wes Anderson product. This is not a case of a cultural barrier, but perhaps simply that the story Anderson chose to tell was far more important than including all the laughs he could. The tone of this film is "different" than most of his films, which is perhaps a good thing. It works for the film...but for most, I imagine "different Wes Anderson" won't click with everyone.
The lack of too much "fun" is noticeable, however, in that we do not see too much of the silly side of this world Wes Anderson has built. We get occasional glimpses and gags that are classic Anderson and certainly hit, but by the end, it is a surprisingly serious tone the film chooses to maintain in its climax. Again, this WORKS, but I wonder how much more I would have loved the film if it were as child-like and fun as Fantastic Mr. Fox or Grand Budapest Hotel tended to be.
The sometimes-noticeable lack of "fun", however, does not detract entirely from the enjoyment of the film itself. It is just as quirky and out-there in the best ways possible as any other Wes Anderson film, and thanks to that, the film simply beams with charm. Whether it be its animation style, Anderson's unique direction, or the fantastically unique score by Alexandre Desplate, this film sticks-out as any good Wes Anderson film should.
That said, the strongest thing (Aside from the animation) about this film is its subtle message it attempts to strike. This film is one about companionship and love, which is a feeling that often goes hand-in-paw with the subject of dogs and pets. If you have ever been a dog owner, this film WILL strike a chord with you, as it has some very important things to say about our relationship with them that I think often goes understated.
Dogs are a connection. Dogs are a beacon of loyalty and family. "Dogs" don't need to be dogs. Dogs are man's best friend.
How could you not love dogs?
How could you not love a Wes Anderson film ABOUT dogs?
Not even joking. My first proper movie date was with my girlfriend was when we saw The Grand Budapest Hotel. We instantly fell in love with it, and it's a night I still remember fondly for the experience we had in a theater that consisted mainly of us and one other couple. It was simply magical.
And that, perhaps, is what makes me love Wes Anderson's work so much; it's simply movie magic. The man can take any setup he pleases and turn it into a whimsical, silly, but somehow all the same "Important" piece of film that holds its own weight. In short, Wes Anderson has made himself an icon when it comes to the quirky and whimsy in film. His films are a warm blanket that I love to wrap myself in.
In 'Isle of Dogs', the immediate strengths of Wes Anderson are apparent: the worlds he builds. The world of Megasaki and Trash Island are all realized in vivid detail, complete with a massive array of characters on both human and animal ends that one can recall and adore. Rather than the recent disappointment of 'Black Panther', where characterization took a backseat, this film OOZES character and a rich world you can feel. You can show me images of characters from this film and from their appearance ALONE I can tell you a story about them and what I enjoyed about them. The colorful and vast array of characters is something I think I loved most about this film, and still sticks with me even as I write this review.
What else has to be admired regarding this film is its respectful and quite incredible treatment of Japanese culture and art. Right from the get-go, Anderson makes it apparent he WANTS the culture to envelope us. All Japanese characters speak Japanese. Only 1-2 humans speak English. The dogs only speak "English" for the benefit of our understanding of their dialogue. Megasaki LOOKS like Japan. Japanese text is constantly displayed and is translated in subtitles for only our benefit. There is clear respect paid to the culture Wes wishes to show us, and for having that courage to not simplify it out of sheer convenience, I admire his work here.
Additionally, the homages to Japanese cinema, specifically Kurosawa, were welcome beyond all belief in this film. This film is hardly a zany and swift-moving animated film that one sees in this day and age. Heck, it is not even in the same league of movement and speed as Fantastic Mr. Fox was. Rather, this is a film that runs on its own pace, derived from Japanese cinema, and finds its footing in that delivery. It is a crisp, complete-feeling film that FEELS like a 2-hour film, but in the end, it barely coasts over 100 minute total...but it feels absolutely perfect in the time we are given in this rich world. In fact, by the time the film ended, I wanted MORE of the world I had seen.
The animation, as if you are even remotely surprised, is GORGEOUS. Every frame, and I mean EVERY FRAME, is just magnificent to look at. Where Fantastic Mr. Fox had the warm cinematography on its side, Isle of Dogs sports a bleaker texture, though it manages to create its own charm that way. You feel the characters' emotions through their well-animated faces, you can see every hair on the dogs' bodies move, you feel every movement of this film and adore it for how charming and Wes Anderson-y it is. Thankfully, the only thing you can NOT feel is the scent of Trash Island...
The only thing that has bugged me since seeing this film, however, is how little time the film has to really have FUN. The film is surprisingly played straight in most regards when it comes to conflict, and its tone is whimsy in some regards, but the laughs are surprisingly not as common as you would suspect them to be in a Wes Anderson product. This is not a case of a cultural barrier, but perhaps simply that the story Anderson chose to tell was far more important than including all the laughs he could. The tone of this film is "different" than most of his films, which is perhaps a good thing. It works for the film...but for most, I imagine "different Wes Anderson" won't click with everyone.
The lack of too much "fun" is noticeable, however, in that we do not see too much of the silly side of this world Wes Anderson has built. We get occasional glimpses and gags that are classic Anderson and certainly hit, but by the end, it is a surprisingly serious tone the film chooses to maintain in its climax. Again, this WORKS, but I wonder how much more I would have loved the film if it were as child-like and fun as Fantastic Mr. Fox or Grand Budapest Hotel tended to be.
The sometimes-noticeable lack of "fun", however, does not detract entirely from the enjoyment of the film itself. It is just as quirky and out-there in the best ways possible as any other Wes Anderson film, and thanks to that, the film simply beams with charm. Whether it be its animation style, Anderson's unique direction, or the fantastically unique score by Alexandre Desplate, this film sticks-out as any good Wes Anderson film should.
That said, the strongest thing (Aside from the animation) about this film is its subtle message it attempts to strike. This film is one about companionship and love, which is a feeling that often goes hand-in-paw with the subject of dogs and pets. If you have ever been a dog owner, this film WILL strike a chord with you, as it has some very important things to say about our relationship with them that I think often goes understated.
Dogs are a connection. Dogs are a beacon of loyalty and family. "Dogs" don't need to be dogs. Dogs are man's best friend.
How could you not love dogs?
How could you not love a Wes Anderson film ABOUT dogs?
- littlemankazoo
- Mar 27, 2018
- Permalink
Wes Anderson's the Isle of Dogs is a creatively made, character driven comedy story, with a melancholic and satirical undertone.
The animation, editing and sound design are the main brass here, and are used to great effect to communicate much of the story.
The Isle of Dogs is on the nose about its storytelling, obligatory moments such as flashbacks and story structure are highlighted as to get necessary information communicated as quickly as possible, so the film can get back to living in the moment, exploring its quirky characters and scenery. There is an air of self awareness about the story that, rather than disengaging, is used to draw the viewer more into the inherently ridiculous story. There is an artistry to suspending disbelief, and this is an endlessly creative way to get the audience to do so. To make them aware they're getting conventional information or that certain things are ridiculous plot details, even tropes, and highlighting such details to actually enhance the storytelling rather than distance the viewer. After a point you accept the strange pacing and rapid editing style as part of the universe of this film, and when you do , The Isle of Dogs is an audio-visual experience so cathartic you won't want it to end.
The animation, editing and sound design are the main brass here, and are used to great effect to communicate much of the story.
The Isle of Dogs is on the nose about its storytelling, obligatory moments such as flashbacks and story structure are highlighted as to get necessary information communicated as quickly as possible, so the film can get back to living in the moment, exploring its quirky characters and scenery. There is an air of self awareness about the story that, rather than disengaging, is used to draw the viewer more into the inherently ridiculous story. There is an artistry to suspending disbelief, and this is an endlessly creative way to get the audience to do so. To make them aware they're getting conventional information or that certain things are ridiculous plot details, even tropes, and highlighting such details to actually enhance the storytelling rather than distance the viewer. After a point you accept the strange pacing and rapid editing style as part of the universe of this film, and when you do , The Isle of Dogs is an audio-visual experience so cathartic you won't want it to end.
- edwardfdzzz
- Feb 21, 2018
- Permalink
Super cute Japenese culture film of precious dogs and rescuing friends. Wes Anderson's masterpieces of ensemble cast deserves better; all his films are unique and lovable! This one especially is full of great vibes, incredible music, and a very heartwarming story! I originally saw Isle of Dogs in the theater with my mom cause she's a huge Wes Anderson fan so that was a blast, today watched with my sister in the living room that was cute.
- UniqueParticle
- Jan 1, 2020
- Permalink
Isle of Dogs is Wes Anderson's love letter to Dogs and Japan, her aesthetic, her archetypes, and her culture. And it's in those respects where the movie flourishes, as Anderson lovingly and meticulously breathes life into his imagined Nippon of the future. If you love Wes Anderson and Dogs, you'll probably dig this movie. Furthermore, if you have an appreciation of Japan and its culture you might like it too...just don't expect anything more than a superficial treatment and you won't be disappointed.
I would also add that this superficiality, the elevation of style over substance, is what keeps this from being a great film, as the human characters were all flat. They were one-dimensional archetypes, and the lead, a boy named Atari felt more like a conglomeration of archetypes and quirks than anything else. Anderson didn't let me spend enough time with them, and Anderson didn't spend enough time developing them, for those characters and storylines to come together in a satisfying way.
Now the story involving the dogs was quite enjoyable, and had a pleasant enough conclusion, but it wasn't good enough to make up for the un-engaging humans we had to follow for much of the screen-time. They weighed the picture down, and it dragged...specifically the second act (a guy in my showing fell asleep about forty five minute in, and I must admit that my eye lids got heavy too).
Basically with Isle of Dogs, what you see is what you get. If you dig Wes Anderson, and his muses, you'll probably like this movie. It's a lovely looking movie with real moments of visual and atmospheric inspiration. Just keep your expectations low and don't expect any real depth.
I would also add that this superficiality, the elevation of style over substance, is what keeps this from being a great film, as the human characters were all flat. They were one-dimensional archetypes, and the lead, a boy named Atari felt more like a conglomeration of archetypes and quirks than anything else. Anderson didn't let me spend enough time with them, and Anderson didn't spend enough time developing them, for those characters and storylines to come together in a satisfying way.
Now the story involving the dogs was quite enjoyable, and had a pleasant enough conclusion, but it wasn't good enough to make up for the un-engaging humans we had to follow for much of the screen-time. They weighed the picture down, and it dragged...specifically the second act (a guy in my showing fell asleep about forty five minute in, and I must admit that my eye lids got heavy too).
Basically with Isle of Dogs, what you see is what you get. If you dig Wes Anderson, and his muses, you'll probably like this movie. It's a lovely looking movie with real moments of visual and atmospheric inspiration. Just keep your expectations low and don't expect any real depth.
- Eclectic-Boogaloo
- Mar 29, 2018
- Permalink
I really enjoyed this wonderful little film that was such a departure in a way for director Wes Anderson, yet his style is still readily obvious. I saw this at a midnight showing and I can tell you, everyone walking out of the theater was raving and talking about how great it was, And it was, such a charming a cute adventure of a story that was a total surprise, in the sense of a surprise to see Anderson making an animated film. I was so exited for the film and it really was in no way a disappointment, I thoroughly enjoyed his latest work, in fact, I might go see it twice, which is rare for me. In the second paragraph I will discuss a little more about what exactly I liked about it, but in general this was a damn good film that demands a viewing.
Wes Anderson's style is so honed in this film despite it being animated. The use of colors and symmetry are still plainly obvious, the color and design of things very consistent giving a believable world for the film to be set in. Each one of the characters was deeply developed and fascinating while also working off many of the other characters. The writing is sharp, intelligent, and very well written in the style of many of the other Anderson classics. So basically if you are a fan of his style, then you will be delighted to see this movie that is the personification of Wes Anderson's style.
Wes Anderson's style is so honed in this film despite it being animated. The use of colors and symmetry are still plainly obvious, the color and design of things very consistent giving a believable world for the film to be set in. Each one of the characters was deeply developed and fascinating while also working off many of the other characters. The writing is sharp, intelligent, and very well written in the style of many of the other Anderson classics. So basically if you are a fan of his style, then you will be delighted to see this movie that is the personification of Wes Anderson's style.
- neener3707
- Mar 22, 2018
- Permalink
As is almost par for the course with Wes Anderson, at least nowadays, 'Isle Of Dogs (2018)' is far more style over substance, presenting its fairly simple story straightforwardly and with plenty of on-the-nose exposition. Thankfully, the visuals we get are splendid, aside from the annoying and too frequently used 'to-camera' framing that sees characters mug for the fame for no reason other than a repetitive and only occasionally satisfying composition. The amazing stop-motion animation and a general aesthetic balances a real tangibility with a slight absurdist cartoon feel to wonderful effect, though. The way it looks, and moves, is unique and definitely its strong point. The film, much like 'Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)', isn't really aimed at kids. I think most of the allegory and dry wit would go over their heads, and that's not even considering the non-conventional storytelling and slightly 'edgy' elements. But it didn't ever claim to be directed at them and nor should it have, though it does beg the question as to why the narrative seems so diluted and bizarrely expositional (as I've mentioned) - and no it isn't just Anderson's 'style', which can't be an excuse for lazy storytelling - if it didn't have to aim for the youngest of its possible audience. It's the fact that the experience is a passive one, no matter how well crafted or 'quirky', that isn't particularly funny or engaging, that stops it from being any better than it ultimately is. 6/10
- Pjtaylor-96-138044
- Mar 31, 2018
- Permalink
We absolutely loved Isle of Dogs. All of your classic Wes Anderson tropes of lingering still shots, zany dialogue, and an outlandish take on underdogs (pun intended) rebelling against the system are present. The Japanese themes were artistically delivered as well as one could expect, and felt respectful to the culture. The quality is as good as Fantastic Mr Fox, though the heavy use of untranslated Japanese leaves the viewer somewhat emotionally estranged from human characters.
Setting is modern Japan, where a dog flu epidemic has turned a city against its furry friends. The evil dog hating mayor has rounded up all dogs and exiled them to trash island, where they live in filth and suffering. Atari, the adopted son of the Mayor, flies a plane onto the island to rescue his dog. Hilarity and poignant moments ensue.
Don't miss this one if you are a Wes Anderson fan, or simply want a great comedy. Certain scenes may bother kids below the age of 5. The subtle allegory on an evil leader stirring the pot against the most helpless in our society is timely and well wrought. There is a legitimate criticism on the "white savior" plot device that plagues nearly all Western movies based in Asia, and I hope future directors take heed.
Setting is modern Japan, where a dog flu epidemic has turned a city against its furry friends. The evil dog hating mayor has rounded up all dogs and exiled them to trash island, where they live in filth and suffering. Atari, the adopted son of the Mayor, flies a plane onto the island to rescue his dog. Hilarity and poignant moments ensue.
Don't miss this one if you are a Wes Anderson fan, or simply want a great comedy. Certain scenes may bother kids below the age of 5. The subtle allegory on an evil leader stirring the pot against the most helpless in our society is timely and well wrought. There is a legitimate criticism on the "white savior" plot device that plagues nearly all Western movies based in Asia, and I hope future directors take heed.
I am baffled, by the number of 9 and 10 star reviews this film has received. If a reviewer starts out by professing their love for Wes Anderson or dogs, their review should be tossed aside as an empty can of sardines that one might find in the trash on the Isle of Dogs.
This film clearly under-performs. Its technical aspects -- the visuals, voices, all the production values -- to my untrained eye are quite good. It's quirky and original. The plot is decent, albeit that there's little tension. What dark, tense moments do exist don't last and don't grab us. In other words, it's rather superficial.
There's little character development, save for one dog, where we can see some character trajectory, but, again, it fails to go deeper. That is to say, the movie plays it quite safe; it engages us enough to keep on watching, but it doesn't want to stir up anything deeper inside of us.
This movie is a tad dark to be a kids' movie, yet too superficial to be a good adult film. I can see where my 12yo would enjoy it.
This film clearly under-performs. Its technical aspects -- the visuals, voices, all the production values -- to my untrained eye are quite good. It's quirky and original. The plot is decent, albeit that there's little tension. What dark, tense moments do exist don't last and don't grab us. In other words, it's rather superficial.
There's little character development, save for one dog, where we can see some character trajectory, but, again, it fails to go deeper. That is to say, the movie plays it quite safe; it engages us enough to keep on watching, but it doesn't want to stir up anything deeper inside of us.
This movie is a tad dark to be a kids' movie, yet too superficial to be a good adult film. I can see where my 12yo would enjoy it.
- ilya-ratner
- Aug 19, 2018
- Permalink
This is another film where the Director's name is bigger than the result. The film itself is beautifully cut, but the story is a bit tame (geddit?) and the overall product is tedious at times. There is little to make us truly engage with the characters and to be frank only someone with WES ANDERSON's name would have been allowed to make what was a rather self-indulgent and at times prejudiced film.
- davidhildick-smith
- Mar 31, 2018
- Permalink
Isle of Dogs (2018) Wes Anderson, I don"t know if you are like me you'll read Isle of Dogs to say "I love dogs" maybe it just me.
After a tedious discussion with a friend (acquaintance) who detests the work of Wes Anderson i have without realising become a big fan. This is similar to Fantastic Mr Fox in its animated style, featuring the big name voices of Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray, Scarlet Johnson etc etc etc, see if you can spot Yoko Ono, i did. The story is fairly straight forward, its a rescue mission akin to Escape From New York (not that ive seen that movie but I know of it) except its not the president of New York that needs to be rescued but a boys pet dog.
Do not listen to pretentious morons who detest Wes Anderson.
It is a great movie and a worthy 8/10.
After a tedious discussion with a friend (acquaintance) who detests the work of Wes Anderson i have without realising become a big fan. This is similar to Fantastic Mr Fox in its animated style, featuring the big name voices of Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray, Scarlet Johnson etc etc etc, see if you can spot Yoko Ono, i did. The story is fairly straight forward, its a rescue mission akin to Escape From New York (not that ive seen that movie but I know of it) except its not the president of New York that needs to be rescued but a boys pet dog.
Do not listen to pretentious morons who detest Wes Anderson.
It is a great movie and a worthy 8/10.
A timely political story. A very bad guy is in charge. He needs a scapegoat. Dogs are it. The dogs are all sent away to a kind of concentration camp. The dogs are just regular people-like dogs. They do need outside assistance. A good guy helps the dogs organize and overcome their oppressors and their human-like failings.
It is beautifully told with characters and landscapes drawn from Japanese historical art style. The cast and the vivid landscapes are fabulous to see. And it is all believable.
- martinlschneider12
- Mar 31, 2018
- Permalink
Another highlight in Wes Anderson's filmography. And honestly his best film since "The Royal Tenenbaums". A wonderful and inspired animation comedy that lives from the typical Wes Anderson wit. The stop motion was perfect and it was created with many beautiful details. The voice performances were pitch perfect and the right actors were chosen. Bryan Cranston was terrific and so was Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Greta Gerwig, Jeff Goldblum and Tilda Swinton (tho her character deserved way more screen time.
The soundtrack was fantastic, especially the score was perfectly created. The screenplay is among Wes Anderson's best work to date. I loved the editing and general look of it. There are nice and funny twists throughout the whole film. And in the end it has an important message to tell. Its a winner film and I am sure it will make its mark at the box office, with the critics and also at next years Oscars (especially in the best animation feature category). I already loved "Fantastic Mr. Fox" but with "Isles of Dogs" Anderson was able to top it. Highly recommended.
- Alexander_Blanchett
- Feb 17, 2018
- Permalink
I knew I would be in a for a treat (no pun intended) when Wes Anderson would make another Stop-Motion animated film the first being Fantastic Mr. Fox which I really liked and is one of my favourite Stop-Motion films of all time, that's the only film I have seen from him but now I should more of his films since Fantastic Mr Fox really impressed me.
I was really pumped for this movie since it's by Wes Anderson, it has a huge cast and it's about Japan and Samauri Dogs fighting, now that sounds amazing, I hope Wes knows what he is doing with this and thanks to my local cinema getting a early screening on Sunday the 25th, I was delighted to see film early before coming out on the 30th, so I did see it and......... I LOVED IT!, this is even better then Fantastic Mr. Fox, this could arguably be one of the best films of this year, so what's it about?.
In the city of Megasaki, Mayor Kobayashi banishes all flu infected dogs to a island called "Trash Island" where all dogs live in a grey, unpleasant, rotten and dangerous island where junk food is thrown away and other props that have now turn into junk, however a 12-Year-Old boy named Atari Kobayashi travels to the island to look for his loyal bodyguard dog named Spots (voiced by Liev Schreiber) with the help of five other dogs, Chief (Bryon Cranston), Rex (Edward Norton), Boss (Bill Murray), Duke (Jeff Goldblum) and King (Bob Balaban).
So from what I just said, you'll know what will happen, in just the most basic way possible and it will be just as generic as any other animated film, but not this one, Wes Anderson put in so much elements in to one and for some strange reason it.... actually works, comedy, drama, suspense, adventure, fantasy and sci-if, all of these elements in this movie work off each other with every unique turn, it all stays on point with It elements and doesn't feel out of place, it creates atmosphere and different moods, the film also have genuine emotion that anyone who has dogs can relate to and can pull off really funny moments at the same time can be quite mature, the film also have moments that I didn't see coming and quite graphic and a bit sweary for a PG which shows Wes is taking risks, seeing the film as more of a adult film then a harmless family movie, I never thought I would say this but this is not only a original idea with it's fantastic direction, writing and a powerful moral about Dogs should be treated equally and old things shouldn't be replaced with new things to change the future, in all honesty this much effort feels so.... groundbreaking.
The animation is fantastic, I know it's expected for a stop-motion film like this but you can't help but be impressed by it, comparing it to Fantastic Mr. Fox, this animation has ideas, for example the different styles used when a character is seen on CCTV cameras or when characters are seen in a far distance is used in different art styles and it works unbelievably well, the characters have a down to earth and real look to it, the dogs are all each identified by their types, you can tell who's who from Chief to Nutmeg to Jupiter, their fur moves normally like wind is blowing through it, which is such a unique small detail that is just creates realism and believability, the humans look fantastic, looking almost realistic with very expressive faces, they all have a unique look that stands out as well, the backgrounds are so well-crafted like the city is a place full of colour and makes you feel welcomed while Trash Island has a grey, dirty, nasty, unpleasant and sad look to it that again creates a mood of misery and fear, the animation truly knows how to make stop-motion animation look impressive, extraordinary and beautiful fall at the same time.
The characters are all unforgettable and so likeable that people will have at least one favourite, They all play a part in the plot that gets it going and they all have a moment to shine to show who they are and what their goals are, my favourite characters are Chief, Spots, Atari, Rex, Tracy, Nutmeg and Jupiter, they all have personality and some memorable about them, same with the villains, they create fear and conflict with our heroes and they can be quite intimidating, the voice acting is top-notch, with big names like Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Scarlet Johansson, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum and the rest of cast as well, everyone put in great voice performances, Bryan Cranston, Scarlet Johansson, Liev Schreiber and Greta Gerwig all stand out for me and just put so much emotion and effort into their performances, I'm happy that the major character have development and all the rest have a purpose with wonderful voice acting.
And on a side note, the score by Alexandre Desplat is one of the best movie scores I have ever heard, seriously, check it out, it's so fascinating, but after the movie of course.
So yeah as you can tell I love this movie so much, need I say more?, an originally plot, groundbreaking and brilliant animation, characters that have development while others all have screen time with a moment to shine with wonderful voice-acting and an amazing score, people if you love Fantastic Mr. Fox and/or Wes Anderson, you'll love this, take the kids to see this one if they can handle blood and swears, it's a mature and adult film that everyone must watch, please see it while it's still in cinemas because we need more stop-motion films to prove that they can still make money and bring us something timeless, but Wes Anderson, you did me proud, cannot wait to see the next stop-motion you make next.
I'm at delighted to give Isle of Dogs a solid 10/10.
I was really pumped for this movie since it's by Wes Anderson, it has a huge cast and it's about Japan and Samauri Dogs fighting, now that sounds amazing, I hope Wes knows what he is doing with this and thanks to my local cinema getting a early screening on Sunday the 25th, I was delighted to see film early before coming out on the 30th, so I did see it and......... I LOVED IT!, this is even better then Fantastic Mr. Fox, this could arguably be one of the best films of this year, so what's it about?.
In the city of Megasaki, Mayor Kobayashi banishes all flu infected dogs to a island called "Trash Island" where all dogs live in a grey, unpleasant, rotten and dangerous island where junk food is thrown away and other props that have now turn into junk, however a 12-Year-Old boy named Atari Kobayashi travels to the island to look for his loyal bodyguard dog named Spots (voiced by Liev Schreiber) with the help of five other dogs, Chief (Bryon Cranston), Rex (Edward Norton), Boss (Bill Murray), Duke (Jeff Goldblum) and King (Bob Balaban).
So from what I just said, you'll know what will happen, in just the most basic way possible and it will be just as generic as any other animated film, but not this one, Wes Anderson put in so much elements in to one and for some strange reason it.... actually works, comedy, drama, suspense, adventure, fantasy and sci-if, all of these elements in this movie work off each other with every unique turn, it all stays on point with It elements and doesn't feel out of place, it creates atmosphere and different moods, the film also have genuine emotion that anyone who has dogs can relate to and can pull off really funny moments at the same time can be quite mature, the film also have moments that I didn't see coming and quite graphic and a bit sweary for a PG which shows Wes is taking risks, seeing the film as more of a adult film then a harmless family movie, I never thought I would say this but this is not only a original idea with it's fantastic direction, writing and a powerful moral about Dogs should be treated equally and old things shouldn't be replaced with new things to change the future, in all honesty this much effort feels so.... groundbreaking.
The animation is fantastic, I know it's expected for a stop-motion film like this but you can't help but be impressed by it, comparing it to Fantastic Mr. Fox, this animation has ideas, for example the different styles used when a character is seen on CCTV cameras or when characters are seen in a far distance is used in different art styles and it works unbelievably well, the characters have a down to earth and real look to it, the dogs are all each identified by their types, you can tell who's who from Chief to Nutmeg to Jupiter, their fur moves normally like wind is blowing through it, which is such a unique small detail that is just creates realism and believability, the humans look fantastic, looking almost realistic with very expressive faces, they all have a unique look that stands out as well, the backgrounds are so well-crafted like the city is a place full of colour and makes you feel welcomed while Trash Island has a grey, dirty, nasty, unpleasant and sad look to it that again creates a mood of misery and fear, the animation truly knows how to make stop-motion animation look impressive, extraordinary and beautiful fall at the same time.
The characters are all unforgettable and so likeable that people will have at least one favourite, They all play a part in the plot that gets it going and they all have a moment to shine to show who they are and what their goals are, my favourite characters are Chief, Spots, Atari, Rex, Tracy, Nutmeg and Jupiter, they all have personality and some memorable about them, same with the villains, they create fear and conflict with our heroes and they can be quite intimidating, the voice acting is top-notch, with big names like Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Scarlet Johansson, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum and the rest of cast as well, everyone put in great voice performances, Bryan Cranston, Scarlet Johansson, Liev Schreiber and Greta Gerwig all stand out for me and just put so much emotion and effort into their performances, I'm happy that the major character have development and all the rest have a purpose with wonderful voice acting.
And on a side note, the score by Alexandre Desplat is one of the best movie scores I have ever heard, seriously, check it out, it's so fascinating, but after the movie of course.
So yeah as you can tell I love this movie so much, need I say more?, an originally plot, groundbreaking and brilliant animation, characters that have development while others all have screen time with a moment to shine with wonderful voice-acting and an amazing score, people if you love Fantastic Mr. Fox and/or Wes Anderson, you'll love this, take the kids to see this one if they can handle blood and swears, it's a mature and adult film that everyone must watch, please see it while it's still in cinemas because we need more stop-motion films to prove that they can still make money and bring us something timeless, but Wes Anderson, you did me proud, cannot wait to see the next stop-motion you make next.
I'm at delighted to give Isle of Dogs a solid 10/10.
- Clank_Zoka
- Mar 26, 2018
- Permalink
This film is visually interesting, but that's about it. The plot is predictable and bland. The visuals are not enough to save this movie since it does not add anything to the story (unlike say Saving Private Ryan). In that regard, this film is about as good as any of Michael Bay's transformer films. Style without substance. Recommending this film to dog lovers is like recommending the Transformer movies to robot lovers. This film does not deserve the good reviews at all.
- bolehornot
- May 9, 2018
- Permalink
- cappiethadog
- Jan 19, 2019
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- bignuts-06245
- Jan 12, 2023
- Permalink
I have become quiet a fan of Wes Anderson. He makes beguiling, interesting films with a blend of comedy and quirkiness. At least his films do not emerge from a sausage dog factory.
Even his deadpan stop-motion animation has a charm a world away from Disney.
Set in Megasaki, Japan, a dystopian society in the future. There has been an outbreak of dog flu. The corrupt dog hating Mayor Kobayashi has banished all dogs to to toxic garbage filled Trash Island, beginning with his household dog.
All this despite scientist Watanabe insisting that a cure is imminent. He is a lone dissenting voice in the wilderness
The household dogs in Thrash Island are living a miserable life. They are sick, starving, unwashed and unloved.
Little Atari Kobayashi is a 12 year old boy who was taken in as a ward by his distant relative, Mayor Kobayashi. Spots was his guard dog but he was more like his pet. He has flown in to Thrash Island looking for Spots.
He finds a ragtag bunch of five dogs who tend to beat off other dogs for food. Four of them like to gossip and vote on important matters. They are just house pets now doing their best in these hard times. They are helped greatly by stray street dog Chief. The best fighter in the pack and who refuses to obey any master.
The four dogs vote to help Atari in his quest, Chief is outvoted as always. While they search for Spots, the Mayor is planning to exterminate all the dogs in the island.
There is a lot of dry wit in this film as well as a few sweet songs. It is whimsical and dark. If you replace the dogs with humans you can sense Anderson is making a point about how western societies are viewing refugees and immigrants these days.
Even his deadpan stop-motion animation has a charm a world away from Disney.
Set in Megasaki, Japan, a dystopian society in the future. There has been an outbreak of dog flu. The corrupt dog hating Mayor Kobayashi has banished all dogs to to toxic garbage filled Trash Island, beginning with his household dog.
All this despite scientist Watanabe insisting that a cure is imminent. He is a lone dissenting voice in the wilderness
The household dogs in Thrash Island are living a miserable life. They are sick, starving, unwashed and unloved.
Little Atari Kobayashi is a 12 year old boy who was taken in as a ward by his distant relative, Mayor Kobayashi. Spots was his guard dog but he was more like his pet. He has flown in to Thrash Island looking for Spots.
He finds a ragtag bunch of five dogs who tend to beat off other dogs for food. Four of them like to gossip and vote on important matters. They are just house pets now doing their best in these hard times. They are helped greatly by stray street dog Chief. The best fighter in the pack and who refuses to obey any master.
The four dogs vote to help Atari in his quest, Chief is outvoted as always. While they search for Spots, the Mayor is planning to exterminate all the dogs in the island.
There is a lot of dry wit in this film as well as a few sweet songs. It is whimsical and dark. If you replace the dogs with humans you can sense Anderson is making a point about how western societies are viewing refugees and immigrants these days.
- Prismark10
- Feb 7, 2019
- Permalink
I am very sentimental about dogs so I was very keen to view this movie. OMG, was I ever disappointed.
It was not funny, nor was it moving. If anything, the movie had a theme of the power of propaganda and the motives of misguided leaders. While watching, it occured to me that it is not easy to portray dogs in a cartoon, particularly if human values are projected onto them.
- politic1983
- Apr 24, 2018
- Permalink
Visually unique, I really wanted to like this movie. But in the end, the overpowering synergy of the very slow pacing, the boring story line, the ridiculous plot, and the constant monotone of the droll dialog made sitting through it very disappointing.
The visual novelty wore off, it dragged on, and it seemed far longer than it was. I was relieved when it finally ended. Edited down it would have been far better as a 15-20 minute short animation.
Unfortunately, another one not worth the price of admission.
The visual novelty wore off, it dragged on, and it seemed far longer than it was. I was relieved when it finally ended. Edited down it would have been far better as a 15-20 minute short animation.
Unfortunately, another one not worth the price of admission.
- joachrisco
- Jan 26, 2023
- Permalink