- Tom White: I was, uh, sent down from Washington D.C. to see about these murders.
- Ernest Burkhart: See what about em?
- Tom White: See who's doin' it.
- Ernest Burkhart: You know, you got, you got nice color skin. What color would you say that is?
- Mollie Burkhart: My color.
- [last lines]
- Radio Announcer: After Mollie divorced Ernest, she lived with her new husband John Cobb on the reservation. She died of diabetes on June 16th, 1937. Her obituary in the local paper said simply:
- Radio Show Producer: "Mrs. Mollie Cobb, 50 years of age, passed away at eleven o'clock Wednesday night in her home. She was a full blood Osage. She was buried in the old cemetery in Gray Horse beside her father, her mother, her sisters, and her daughter." There was no mention of the murders.
- William Hale: Expectin' a miracle to make all this go away?
- Ernest Burkhart: [Shakes head]
- William Hale: You know they don't happen anymore.
- William Hale: This supposed to be a suicide, you dumb bell. You didn't tell him to leave the gun?
- Ernest Burkhart: I don't know why. I told him to leave the gun. I told him...
- William Hale: Told him to leave the gun.
- Ernest Burkhart: Just like you told me, King. I don't know why he didn't. I don't know why. I told him just like you told me.
- William Hale: You told him to do it in the front of the head, then why did he do it in the back of the head? It's so simple. The front is the front. The back is the back.
- Ernest Burkhart: Maybe he has to make it look like he done it himself.
- William Hale: It just looks like murder. It's not supposed to be that way, you hear?
- Ernest Burkhart: I told him the front of the head. I said the front of the head just like this. Just like you told me. I promise you. I promise you. I swear on my children.
- William Hale: No, no, no, no, no.
- Ernest Burkhart: I swear on my children, King.
- William Hale: Now, now, settle down, settle, settle. Don't swear on your children. Makes you look foolish.
- Ernest Burkhart: I ain't. I ain't foolish because I've done everything right.
- Ernest Burkhart: They're not gonna stand by you, Bill.
- William Hale: Oh, yeah? I mean, there might be a public outcry for a while. But then you know what happens? People forget. They don't remember. They don't care. They just don't care. It's just gonna be another everyday, common tragedy.
- Ernest Burkhart: Yeah, it's-- It's not common.
- William Hale: Don't do something you're gonna regret for the rest of your life.
- Mollie Burkhart: The storm is powerful. So we have to be quiet for now.
- Ernest Burkhart: It's good for the crops, that's for sure.
- Mollie Burkhart: Just be still.
- Minnie: [on Ernest] He wants our money.
- Mollie Burkhart: Of course he wants money. But he also wants to be settled. He's not restless.
- Reta: His uncle has money. It's not money he wants. He loves you.
- William Hale: [after telling Ernest Mollie was once married] You let her have her secrets. That way, you'll have yours.
- Ernest Burkhart: You want me to see after Mollie? Why she's a regular customer of mine. And I think she likes me... .
- William Hale: That Mollie's easy to like and a full blood Estate at that, that's something a man could work with
- William Hale: ...You got a good face, you can be the marrying kind...
- Ernest Burkhart: How do you mean?
- William Hale: We mix these families together and that estate money flows the right direction, will come to us That's a full blood estate, and she gets that money of her Mother Lizzie. That's good business that and legal. Not against a law, that's smart investment.